World AIDS Day: transmitting through food sharing?

The classical pathways of AIDS transmission have been well known: Blood transfusion, sex, limited mother to child at birth. therefore, BLOOD SAFETY AND USE RUBBERS AT TIMES ARE VERY IMPORTANT. Will oral be another possible way of transmission? There were talks that it could happen, but rarely, such as by kisses. The issue is whether you have good mouth health. If you have bad mouth health, such as frequent bleeding, ulcer or gingivitis, then share food just like sharing blood. The risk is not limited to HIV-1, but also hepatitis B and C, since they are transmitted through blood as well. So sharing untouched clean food is fine, but not food carried/touched by spoons/forks that were just from others’ mouth. My friend, a doctor, then businessman, got hepatitis, then liver cancer, and died in 2015. As a businessman, he might shared a lot of food with a lot of people, some might be unclean. HIV-1 does not infect through normal skin, but it does through mucosa. Therefore, shaking hands are fine, but not sharing unclean food.


Jinhai Wang, M.D. (1993年起从事HIV-1研究, 2003年起评审肝炎药物)

 SJ Med Music Corporation, MD20850, USA

1983年发现第一例HIV-1患者,三十三年已过。 HIV-1 感染仍是一生之患既使用现今最好的药治疗。防范艾滋最佳办法仍是预防。预防输血感染,预防sex感染。对那些食物分享者,是否应预防oral 感染?一位医生,改经商,不幸感染肝炎, 2015年死于肝癌。也许他与许多人分享了许多不分餐的食物。艾滋在国内呈上升之态。肝炎则是老问题。两者皆经血,经sex传播。是否可经口食物传播?牙龈炎,牙周病,口腔溃疡,皆可有不明现出血,近而经公享不分餐食物而传播给他/她人。记得七十年代中学时,大师傅给每人的都是份饭。完整的皮肤不感染艾滋,故握手无恙。 HIV-1 可经粘膜感染。故既使有完整的口腔粘膜亦可感染艾滋。

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