SJ Med Music Corporation has focused on music and health since 2010, has Biotech consulting and Med Bio business in 2014, and now open to investment into in hands inventions.
Music Olympics, Inc. is all focused on music and entertainments. As founders of both companies, Dr. Jinhai Wang works in both Biotech and entertainments. He is a counter tenor, songwriter.
Dr. Wang is an independent consultant and medical director at Med Bio. Providing consultations for 1) Biotech and Pharma regarding risk management, lead selection, product life cycle management, and managing post marketing changes; 2) Biotech products on immunogenicity assay planning, validation, clinical sample planning, analysis, and clinical decisions.
He was a Medical Officer in Division of Therapeutic Proteins, Office of Biotechnology Products, CDER, FDA for more than 10 years. He had served as CMC reviewer and Immunogenicity reviewer for many INDs, BLAs, NDAs, and PINDs for the treatment of cancer, infectious (HIV-1, HCV), lysosome, cardiovascular disease. He performed comprehensive analysis of immunogenicity and its impact on clinical efficacy and safety of several highly immunogenic therapeutic products (new BLAs, NDA). Close and intensive interactions with clinical teams were a must. These assessments were important and essential for the review decisions. The finding of uptake Nab during the review of Myozyme was reported by his team in 2008, which is the key Nab affectting efficacy and safety and found to be associated with severe genetic mutations. He worked in immunology, cancer biology, virology, etc, for >20 years.
His books (Music and Human Health, 2010; DPS-Disaster Prevention Strategies, 2011; Scientific Introduction to Bible -the Design of Life, 2013 Dec, -the Grant Design of Life 2016, Grant Design of Life and World 2017; his albums (Med Music, Med Music Best Pop, Crocus, Med Music Gospel, Fly In Sky, Riding On World Ridge, etc) at Amazon, iTunes, Google Play.

Lilith Fair
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