Summer Effects On Coronavirus Cases and Deaths in 5 US States

Q&A by Dr. Jinhai Wang

Q: As regarding to summer effects on COVID-19 pandemic, Lady Dr. Zhen (CA) questioned that FL has a lot of cases. She thinks that protection of people is very important.

A: The best is to isolate positive persons, observe close contacts, and people stay home to protect themselves.

As regard to FL, pandemic has two measures, cases and deaths:

Warm states

FL     cases  590/million pop          deaths   11/million pop          No stay home asked, lots of old people

TX                 244/M  POP                                 5/M POP

CA                 358/M POP                                  8/M POP


Cold States

NY             6220/M POP                               212/M POP

NJ              4223/M POP                              103/M POP

Conclusion: The death rates in warm states are much less than that of cold states.  Therefore, summer hot days will likely end COVID-19 pandemic.

Lilith Fair
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