
Dr. Jinhai Wang

Life span varies. The factors affecting life span has been a major focus. I have had discussed those factors in my book “Scientific Introduction to Bible – the Design of Life” Jinhai Wang and DC Jubsal, 2013.12, Amazon. Now through a live WeChat with 79Guangdong group Dr. Lushui, Dr. DendLaoZhongYi, China, I added AIR is a major factor as well.

Here is the new list:

1.  Genes:  risks of cancers, heart diseases, other diseases

2. Food and drink:more fish, less fat, more fruits, less risks of cancer/heart disease related food

3. AIR:  O2, pollution, temperature

4. ACTIVITIES: move, social, music

5. ACCIDENTS:  infectious diseases, war, murders, car accidents

Lilith Fair
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