The 1st goldilocks planet was found according to Yahoo (Sept. 29, 2010). A planet is just right for life, just right for human. Great temperature for life. Good distance for human to travel in a few of generations with current spaceships. Is it possible to travel in one generation in the near future when human has longer lifespan or the spaceships traveling faster ? As long as there is water in those so called goldilocks planets, they should be good for life, good for human. We can bring plants with us in spaceships and those plants will provide us with O2 and in return we will provide CO2 for plants. If we are lucky, those goldilocks planets might be ready for life, or already has living beings. Although human could be unique on earth as Bible says, those goldilocks planets could have other similar living creatures and plants created by God as on earth waiting for reasonable, thankful, and graceful human to live on.

Lilith Fair
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