
Dr. Jinhai Wang    MD20850, USA


1.  Alpha was ended  — masks, mRNA vaccines, social distance, staying home    2021 Spring

2. Delta was ended   – masks, mRNA vaccines, social distance, staying home, Omicron crossover “protection”?    2021 Fall/Winter

3. Omicron was ending?  — self-limitation as low toxicity “live vaccine活疫苗”?, Pfizer Omicron vaccine(March?) ?, mask, mRNA vaccines, Summer heat?, social distance, staying home (work at home, retired, et al)  2022 Around Summer?

The major pathology of COVID-19 is blood vessel damages, and it may affect lungs and other organs. Omicron may be less toxic to blood vessels, therefore, it was much less severe in disease if any so far. Masks, vaccines, and nearly normal life (multi-vitamins, tea, calcium, proteins, fruits, et al) are great.

Lilith Fair
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