By Jinhai Wang

Here are several posts that Dr. Jinhai Wang has posted on this site over the past several years. Now he listed them here together to argue that the real question is not only Monkey to Man or Man to Monkey.

Puzzle 1: DNA and DNA polymerase, which one was first?

May 29, 2011 posted on

Where did man come from ? It is believed that man came from soil, but how? Did man come from soil automatically or was man made by God from soil? We all know that based on current biomedical sciences HUMAN DNA is the key of human life. DNA consists of four different deoxynucleotides, A, T, C, and G. The first key step is to make these four nucleotides from H, O, C, N, and P (Could it happen under lightning and thunder? ), then the four nucleotides form pieces of DNA. How to form fragments of DNA without DNA polymerase? Like the case of eggs and chicken, which one was first, DNA fragments (genes) or DNA polymerase (a protein that should come from a DNA) ?

Puzzle 2, mRNA and mRNA polymerase, which one first?

If we believe that man came from soil automatically, the next puzzle is whether mRNA or protein first. According to the central dogma: DNA to RNA to protein, any proteins should be translated from mRNA and mRNA should be transcript from DNA by DNA dependent RNA polymerase, a protein. So the question is which one first, the mRNA for DNA dependent RNA polymerase or the DNA dependent RNA polymerase that make the mRNA? Central dogma is right since we have had life, but what could happen at the time of beginning of life, the establishment of the basic unit of life, the cells?


Puzzle 3, Were 46 chromsomes formed at the same time?

June 19, 2011 posted on

We know that man has 46 chromsomes. They contain 3 billion base-pairs. If you do not believe that God made man, COULD you image how long it will take to form chromsomes by adding one base-pair by one base-pair? It took 15 years to make one million base-pair DNA with our current best biotechnology. If we put the four kinds of deoxynucleotides (A, C, G, T) together, how long will it take for them to form DNA? Automatically? 3 billion base-pairs? 46 chromsomes? At the same time? It says that it took millions and millions of years for man to develop. If no DNases, the chromsomes might not be cut (if they can form DNA at the first place). With DNases around, the formed chromsomes might be cut here or there.


Puzzle 4, Were 46 chromsomes formed at the same spot?

July 17, 2011 posted on

We know that man has 46 chromsomes. They contain 3 billion base-pairs. If you do not believe that God made man, COULD you image how long it will take to form chromsomes by adding one base-pair by one base-pair? It took 15 years to make one million base-pair DNA with our current best biotechnology. If we put the four kinds of deoxynucleotides (A, C, G, T) together, how long will it take for them to form DNA? Automatically? 3 billion base-pairs? 46 chromsomes? At the same time? It says that it took millions and millions of years for man to develop. If no DNases, the chromsomes might not be cut (if they can form DNA at the first place). With DNases around, the formed chromsomes might be cut here or there. Another fact was that all the 46 chromsomes had to be formed in the same spot, within 0.0001 square millimeter, in order to be packed into a cell.


From Dr. Wang: The real question is whether any DNA based or RNA based life could come automatically to this world from soil.  Dr. Wang’s conclusion, based on the above four his puzzles,  is, that all DNA based humans, animals, birds, fish, trees, plants did not come to this world from soil  automatically. The same is very likely to be true to even ants, yeast, worm, bacteria, viruses, or RNA based life. Darwin’s evolution is a pollution to the search of the origin of humans/life.

Lilith Fair
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