Jinhai Wang is a great new med music 医乐 album from Tenor男高音/songwriter Jinhai Wang王晋海.  The release date is Dec. 16, 2021 in all eStores, such as Amazon, NetEase.

There are 6 great songs in the album:

1.  Riding horses to protect border 骏马奔驰保边疆

2. Song of Grassland 草原之歌  (新歌)

3. On Sun Island 太阳岛上

4. Spring is here 春天来了          (新歌)

5. Riding Horses to Protect Border Q 骏马奔驰保边疆 清唱

6. Sui Xian Hua  水仙花                (新歌)



Lilith Fair
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