Music and Health

We know music definitely can not cure cancer or diabetes now. However, can music make people feel better in normal or low mood? More importantly, can people actively adjust their mood by listening to specific music that they like ?

If you want know more about music and health, a new book Music and Human Health, just released in May, has great information for you. It is the 1st cutting edge book fused music, especially Sarah McLachlan’s songs, poetry, stories, and human health together. Lilith tour is funded by Sarah (schedule, tickets, new album Laws of Illusion at Sarah, the World’s best, has won 3 Grammy Awards, same as Pop King Elvis Presley. Sarah has just been featured by ABC and NBC multiple times in May and June this year, and will sing for your family in the tour city near you. Can her angel songs inspire and make people happy, at times even save life ? Can music or Sarah’s songs improve your life & health? What can you do to improve your health? How can you reduce your risk & have a happier and healthier life? How to sleep well? Want helpful answers? Buy Music and Human Health now at

Lilith Fair
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