I understood the impact of this epidemic on you. Real life experience usually has big impact on people. One of my colleagues came back from a meeting in Africa and told me that there if you shake hands with four people, there is one positive for HIV-1. That is 25%. Luckily the epidemic is under control in more developed countries. Current treatments are effective, but they have some side effects. Once a patient stated on TV that she  had a big lump (fat) on her neck, which was caused by anti-HIV drugs,  but would not still alive without the drugs.

To me, before we have a treatment that can clear out the virus from the body, the best approach is prevention. We need an effective vaccine. However, from preclinical to final approval it will take at least 10 years if you have a good vaccine candidate. So the best approach now is education. The reduced incidence of infection in EU or US is largely due to public awareness. However, in Africa it is really difficult. The population is growing. Some places even don’t have electricity, and even more, do not believe the disease is due to the virus. How to get a clear message to people there is important. I love your idea. We might publish a short book and have a section that includes the lyrics of your “World on Fire,” “A Rubber Thing,” and some information about your visit to Cambodia years ago.” ——Music and Human Health

Lilith Fair
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