Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: Less fatal and will likely end in Warm Months with good protection

Dr. Jinhai Wang

The death rate of coronavirus varies at different locations. China data of 6 warm provinces indicate that in warm months the death rate could be less than 0.5%. US east coast is in early Spring, 3-4 weeks earlier then in many years, many flowers (Crocus, Tulip, Navy Blue, Cherry, Yellow Welcome Spring, and others)  are blooming. Instead of cold March and April, DC metro area enjoy a warm early Spring. Early warm Spring will reduce transmission of virus, lessen degree of sickness if infected. Hold yourself on, April will be with much less infected. The virus will be further less in May, and will be out in June in USA.

Warm states will control the virus earlier. South CA so far did better than North CA and Washington State.

Swine Flu ended in August many years ago.

Lilith Fair
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