Purple Moon Ring Great Luck, Great Tenor Songs 紫红月环 豪歌嘹亮 Album Jinhai Wang

Album “Jinhai Wang

紫红月环 吉祥如意

豪歌嘹亮 喜迎新年

祝大家聖诞新年快乐 !!!  

Happy Holidays!!!   

Jinhai Wang, MedMusic LLC


Dr. Jinhai Wang

In the early time of COVID-19, DEATH RATE could reach 10% or more. Then in USA it was about 1.6%. Delta was weaker. Omicron is so far maybe even weaker than that of Delta (South Africa Doctors) and was weak in USA (CDC Director Dr. Walensky on available cases) . Maybe there is a natural selection that limited more toxic strains of COVID. More mutations of a big toxin (Original COVID -19), maybe less toxicity of the COVID variants. HOPEFULLY THAT’S THE CASE.

Omicron or Delta COVID-19: Masks and mRNA VACCINEs

More than hundred thousands people got COVID each day, mostly delta variant. Masks with vaccines are the best way to protect yourself. The new comer Omicron is spreading in US STATES. It seems Omicron may be not that deadly. Hopefully Omicron variant may be not that toxic. Masks a must.

2021 World Table Tennis Championships Finalists will not be both from China世乒赛男单决赛大热点

Happy Thanksgivings!

在Houston 休士顿举办的世乒赛非常的紧张激烈very hot。 从目前16强看, Man’s Single男单final决赛将可能maybe possible between在中国China选手player与一位non-China他国选手player之间。

Reported by Jinhai Wang

2021 Table Tennis World Championships 32 世乒赛32强中美选手

男单32强中国China 4名选手FAN Zhendong,WANG Chuqin, LIN Gaoyuan, LIANG Jingkun, US美国 Kanak JHA.

女单32强中国China 4名选手CHEN Meng, CHEN Xingtong, Wang Manyu, WANG Yidi,  US美国 Amy Wang, Lily Zhang.

Table Tennis World Championships in Houston Now 乒乓世锦赛2021在休士顿

Jinhai Wang, in USA

有几百 hundreds 名选手参加的乒乓世锦赛于2021.11.23在休士顿开始。 In the first day 经过第一天紧张的比赛,美国 US 一名男单(Kanak JHA), 全部3名女单选手(Yue WU, Amy WANG, Lily ZHANG) 进入64. 中国 China 6名单打选手(CHEN Meng, CHEN Xingtong, Sun Yingsha; FAN Zhendong, Liang Jingkun, LIN Gaoyuan)全部进入64.  休士顿天气很好, 如大华府的春天The weather in Houston was really good, like in the Spring of Washington DC。ITTF and Umpires did great work. US Linda Hsing, Ennan Guan等裁判参加了世锦赛的工作。

Red Leaves 红叶

Dr. Jinhai Wang

Red Leaves   2021.11.14

金秋红叶特相思, 远山远水寄相思; 喜见新颜遍地开,祝福老友满杯香。


Happy 100 Years Old 奔向幸福百岁

Dr. Jinhai Wang (Medmusic LLC, Maryland 20850 马里兰州)

1. 少脂Less Fat; 2. More Vegy and Fruits 多果蔬; 3. 多走Walk more; 4. More Tea多茶; 5. Med Music 医乐

Happy 100 Years Old page

Purple Moon Ring – Med Music Wang songs are dearly loved by lots of people

People love Med Music songs. Great people love great songs. More songs are coming! More great songs are coming!

For the Beauty of the Earth 地球之美

For the Beauty of the Earth  Med Music Gospel (by Jinhai Wang)

Lilith Fair
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