Table Tennis World Championships in Houston Now 乒乓世锦赛2021在休士顿

Jinhai Wang, in USA

有几百 hundreds 名选手参加的乒乓世锦赛于2021.11.23在休士顿开始。 In the first day 经过第一天紧张的比赛,美国 US 一名男单(Kanak JHA), 全部3名女单选手(Yue WU, Amy WANG, Lily ZHANG) 进入64. 中国 China 6名单打选手(CHEN Meng, CHEN Xingtong, Sun Yingsha; FAN Zhendong, Liang Jingkun, LIN Gaoyuan)全部进入64.  休士顿天气很好, 如大华府的春天The weather in Houston was really good, like in the Spring of Washington DC。ITTF and Umpires did great work. US Linda Hsing, Ennan Guan等裁判参加了世锦赛的工作。

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