mRNA COVID-19 vaccine is safe, it’s unlikely that it will touch human NUCLEAR DNA

Dr. Jinhai Wang

4.6 MILLIONS US people had COVID-19 mRNA vaccine now.  The most worried ABOUT mRNA is whether it is stable and effective. mRNA is highly unstable and easily be cut by RNase in vivo. In order to touch human nuclear DNA, 1)It needs be moved into cytoplasm, 2)then it needs special carriers to get it into nuclei. 3)It needs reverse transcriptase to get on human DNA.  There is no reverse transcriptase in normal human cells, only HIV infected persons. No special nuclear importers have been reported for COVID-19 mRNA. Of all the vaccines, the DNA risk is LIKELY less for protein vaccines, then mRNA vaccines, then DNA vaccines, then inactivated viral vaccines and viral carriers vaccines. Except protein vaccines, all other forms of vaccines would have active or inactive mRNAs.

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