Great New Album – Med Music Wang with 24 lovely songs is released

Med Music Wang

a great new album with 24 wonderful songs(24 首中英文歌), is just released(刚发行) on CD Baby. Here is the link of this great album  Med Music Wang. These great songs are mostly by great tenor Jinhai Wang王晋海, 有好几首新歌 (白玉兰; 草原之歌;水仙花; 紫白金等). Great songs are also from lovely soprano Ennan Guan管恩南. A great duet All I Ask of You is from DMA soprano Huiju Chen陈慧茹, she is currently located in Taiwan, and Jinhai Wang.  The song titles are in English or Pinyin歌名是英文或拼音。钢琴伴奏是原上海交响乐团钢琴独奏家陆三庆和著名演奏家郭宇宁和陈慧茹。著名男高音王晋海非常喜爱邓丽君歌曲,在此祝所有歌迷及邓丽君歌迷节日快乐,新的一年顺意。特鸣谢声乐教育家华府何玲玲老师Thanks to Vocal Educator Washington teacher He Lingling,北京中国第一代著名男中音王景宜老师。向所有华府, 纽约, 美国, 北京, 广州, 西安,中国(大陆, 香港, 台湾), 及世界各地的支持者和热爱者问好Happy Spring Festival to Washington, New York, USA, Beijing, Guangzhou, Xian, China (Mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan), and fans/people around the world。


祝新春快乐, 新年万事顺意!!!

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