China Birth Control vs Multi-Children Family to Come – Jinhai Wang, M.D.

It is a big turning point for China in birth control. After more than 36 years birth control, eg. one  family one child, China is at a critical point to avoid 75% population drop in 20 years. In other words,  when China 50′s, 60′s boomers facing their times within 20 years, if still had the one child police in place, the population could drop to 0.350 billions. The best police would be 2 children a family, mixed with 3 children or one child families. Large scale house constructing should be ceased soon to avoid oversupply. Children products should be in their best prices. After 1970 and single-child ladies should be well cared as future mothers.
China already took action to allow certain family to have second child. Now every family should have right to have second child.
自1982年施行计划生育已三十多年。 4-2-1 是三代人的代号,即四个爷爷奶奶, 俩个爸妈, 一个孩子。
人口老化, 缺年青人,劳力不足,人口将降至25%。大规模兴建住房已到尽头。随着中国50′s, 60′s 跨入60, 70, 80岁, 房屋空置将急局增加。 
4-2-2 应提倡, 每家两个孩子, 此乃长久之策, 人口保持50%, 即七亿。
常言道, 失之毫厘, 谬以千里。彼一时,此一时 。
改革开放不可缺, 独立自主不可无。
4-2-2, 或8-4-4-4-4 应为既定国策, 人口出一进一。 4-2-2,4-2-3,4-2-1混合社会家庭并存。优惠儿童商品。
My new song 新歌 Water Angel Flowers 水仙花, piano 钢琴, steal drum 钢鼓 music 音乐 in my new album 金碟 THUNDERS 迅雷 wish you a joyful Moon Festival
喜乐医乐   王晋海医生

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