Less Red Meat, More Fish to Prevent Breast Cancer – Dr. Wang Jinhai, Singer/songwriter

Healthy 100 Years (8)

Less red meat, more fish to reduce breast cancer

Breast cancer is the highest incidence cancer in women. In EU and America, it is as high as 10-12%, and is the leading cause of death in cancer patients.

The incidence of breast cancer is growing fast in China. According to a webpage by Shanghai Doctor/Professor Zhigang Chuang, Chinese Cancer society reported that In 1972, the incidence of breast cancer was about 17/100,000. In 1992, the incidence was about 34/100,000. In 2000, it was already 56/100,000, that is very close to the incidence in EU and America.

Why the incidence went up so much in the 40 years?  Medical Director, Jinhai Wang, M.D., an oncologist and immunologist at MedBio, SJ Med Music Corporation, Maryland, USA,  for the first time points out that A fact, among others, is that women in China consumed more and more red meat since 1979 to a level that is very similar to  that of women in EU and America: you can eat as much red meat as you like. Dr. Wang believes that the significant increase in consuming of red meat by Chinese women was the key cause of increased breast cancer in China from 1970s to recent years. No other single changes during these 40 years would be more likely than the increase of red meat consuming for the dramatical increase of breast cancer in Chinese women. In 1970s, red meat consuming in China was about 0.5 lb per person per month. 

 In recent years, WHO has stated that processed red meat is associated with increased cancer.  WHO downgraded red meat to 2nd class of meat 5 or 6 years ago. Fish is in the first class of meat. Japan has a lot of sea, fish, and they eat a lot of fish, this may be why they have an average of lifespan of 84 years and top all other nations.

Things can be considered to reduce breast cancer risk: More fruit and vegs, less red meat and fat, more grains, be joyful, good wellness, cloths not too tight, have a mammogram each year after age 50.

 Music is a source of joyfulness. iTunes and Google Play have just released several albums for Med Music singer/songwriter Jinhai Wang [Crocus; Med Music (Hits from Broadway); Med Music Best Pop; Med Music World 2].   These albums have been selected for attending the competition of 2016 59th Grammy Awards for Classical Vocal Album, Best Pop Vocal Album, World Music, Album of the Year, Song of the Year, Record of the Year,  Pop Solo Performance, Classical Vocal Performance, so on.

Singer/songwriter Dr. Jinhai has a new album Med Music Gospel to be released by iTunes and Google Play on November 18, 2016, right before Thanksgiving. Enjoy!!!





中国大陆乳癌的发生率很令人失望,已日趋欧美的发生率。据上海妇幼       大夫,大陆1972年乳癌发生率为17/100000 1992年上升一倍为34/100000,而2000年飘至56/100000.


多蔬果,少脂肪,多五谷,乐观向上,卫生健康,衣宽松, 45-50 后每年mammogram ( 微小病灶手无法发现)。

音乐是保持乐观向上不可缺少的。 iTunes Google Play 新近发行了医乐王晋海医师音乐人(Med Music, Jinhai Wang)数张光碟 <Crocus; Med Music (Hits from Broadway); Med Music Best Pop; Med Music World 2>.   这些光碟已被选送参加2016 年第59Grammy Awards。参选的项目有Classical Vocal Album, Best Pop Vocal Album, World Music, Album of the Year, Song of the Year, Record of the Year,  Pop Solo Performance, Classical Vocal Performance, so on.

Dr. Wang的最新光碟 Med Music Gospel 将于1118日发行于iTunes Google Play. 望你喜欢。

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