Census and Lifespan: 50% people in USA could CELEBRATE their birthdays at age 70

According to USA census 2015 for 2013 survey, nearly half Americans have the chance to celebrate their 70′s birthday. Age 60-70 years is a big bottle neck, almost 30% people lost their life during this period. The good news is that if you could pass age 70, you have 77% chance to reach age 75.  Females achieved better survival percentages than males at the age 65 mark : 5 to 4; even better at the age 70 mark: 10 to 6. At a  highmark of age 85, 20% males and almost 40% females could live over the mark. From 2010 to 2013, males made progresses for over age 65 mark: in 2010 the number is 17.36 millions, while in 2013 the number is 19.59 millions, a 2 millions up. This progress is more likely due to the better cardiovascular health, such as diet improvement and treatment advancement.

Jinhai Wang, MD.

Founder of SJ Med Music Corporation

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