Archive for the ‘music and wellness’ Category

Jinhai Wang Songs 王晋海歌曲

Jinhai Wang Songs 王晋海歌曲

Jinhai Wang Songs王晋海的一些歌曲
Jinhai Wang Songs Fly in Sky
Nessen Dorma
Med Music World · 2015
Dare to Ask Where Is the Road
Med Music World · 2015
My Lovely Valentine
Med Music · 2015
Med Music · 2015
草原上升起不落的太阳 Sun Shines Forever on Grassland
小背篓 Little Back Basket
甜蜜蜜 Sweet Honey
Bai Yu Lan 白玉兰
Med Music Wang – Love & Flowers · 2018
可爱的一朵梅瑰花 One Lovely Rose
草原之歌 Song of Grassland
Why Flowers Are That Red 花儿为什么这样红
Med Music Wang – Love & Flowers · 2018
Evening Primrose 夜来香
Med Music Wang – Love & Flowers · 2018
I Love My Nation’s Blue Sky 我爱祖国的兰天
Med Music Wang – Love & Flowers · 2018
Crocus 紫白金
Med Music Wang – Love & Flowers · 2018
Mild Wind Little Rain 微风细雨
Med Music Wang – Love & Flowers · 2018
Fly in Clouds 荡云海
April in New York
Med Music Wang – Love & Flowers · 2018
All I Ask of You
Sleeping Pill – 梦 Dream
Nessun Dorma
Med Music · 2015
Besame Mucho
Med Music World 2 · 2016
月亮代表我的心 Moon Represents My Heart
Flowers Not Flowers 花非花
Med Music Wang – Love & Flowers · 2018
一剪梅 Early Winter Rose
A Time for Us
海韵 Sea Theme
Sleeping Pill – 相遇 Met
Because You Are Mine
Med Music World 2 · 2016
Riding in World Ridge
Thunders · 2017
Some Enchanted Evening
Crocus · 2016
Silent Night
Crocus · 2016
Fly in Sky
Thunders · 2017

王晋海 萍果音乐

萍果音乐APPLE MUSIC iTunes 拥有最好的音乐。

Med Music and Better Sleep

Happy New Year!!!

Med Music医乐 Sleeping Pill Met安睡片相遇 and Sleeping Pill Dream 安睡片梦have been released in Oct, 2018. Hopefully, as the name been used, these music would be good for better sleep(observed)也许有点可能有的人睡的好点, 或有益安眠(个例观察). However, they are not medicines这些音乐不是药. You should see your doctors as usual该看时你应及时看医生.


Med Music Wang: Love & Flowers 爱与花


音乐奥琳匹克本周新发行一节日音乐光碟, Med Music Wang: Love & Flowers  爱与花


音乐人男高音王晋海的新歌白玉兰 (白玉兰,白玉兰, 洁白清香, 更胜白玉)和其它7首金曲祝你聖诞,新年,春节快乐, 合家喜乐!!!

New album Med Music Wang: Love & Flowers 医乐王:爱与花 is available at 雅马逊Amazon and Google Play now.

8 3:47


Chat About formats of music recording in West and in China

Jinhai Wang, Tenor, M.D.


Sheet music: Earliest. Could be back to 1500. Use more papers. Also called 5-staff.


Simplified music: Easy to use. Created in 1930s in China by NiEr, who died at age 23. It is suitable for all 12 majors. Not clear why 1200 years ago China Tang-Chao poems were/are great, but music recording seems limited. It might be by mouth to mouth for songs. It’s very interesting how has Beijing opera passed by their songs before NiEr. Music was booming since NiEr time. A lot of great music were made in the 1950s, 1960s, 1980s after. Great songs were created in Taiwan in the 1970s as well.


Sound recording. Vinyl, tape, FILM, CD, DVD, HARD DRIVE, Memory micro cards, medias on phone or other hand helds. All songs and music can be recorded.


Christmas Countdown: 10 days to go

Christmas time:



Christmas color lights, candles

Christmas songs

There are many great Christmas songs: Oh Holy Night, Have yourself a merry little Christmas; For the beauty of the earth; Crocus Gospel, so on. Great album Med Music Gospel by famous tenor Jinhai Wang has all of them. Have these great holiday songs for a better holiday season.

China Great Reform/Open 40 Years (1979-2018)

Under the leadership of Deng, Hu (YiaoBang), Zhao (ZhiYang), Chen (Yun), and others, China started great Reform/Open movement in 1979. Guangdong, led by senior Xi, pioneered the movement, a movement of the nation that all people attended in the years. After 40 years of the movement that led by Party leaders Deng  1979-1993,  Jiang, then Hu (JinTao) from 1989-2012, then Xi since 2012, as well Premiers Li  (Peng), Zhu (RongJi), Wen (JiaBao), Li (KeQiang), and leaders Ye (JianYin), Peng (Zhen), Qiao (Shi), Wan (Li), Li (Peng), Wu (BanGuo), Zhang (DeJiang), Su (ZhanShu), in RenDa, in the 40 years, China is at second seat worldwide financially. Now under the leadership of Xi and others, China is celebrating the great achievements of the remarkable 40 years of Reform/Open movement in China, insisting the movement and moving it further in multiple areas (Health, Agriculture, so on), and worldwidely playing more important role financially and politically. A peaceful world has been and is great for all nations.

Blooming Winter Roses under Frozen Temperature




Early Winter Roses from great new album, Med Music Wang & the Lady Singers: Flowers & Love

Merry Christmas and Happy 2019 New Year








WINTER ROSES are Blooming for Holidays/ Christmas 腊梅花开迎圣诞新年

Almost all flowers are blooming in Spring, Summer, or Fall. Winter Rose is an exception. No matter how cold and big snow was in November and early December this year, Winter roses start to bloom. Old leaves almost all fell. Winter rose buds are all over each branch. Winter rose blooming season begin. 花开春暖, 但腊梅花开寒冬腊月。虽经寒冷11月,现已是冰冷的腊月初,旧叶已落,大大小小的花蕾已满布花树。 一小部份大的花蕾已开花。


You can find Early Winter Rose in new album Med Music Wang & the Lady Singers: Flowers & Love

Lilith Fair
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