As Supported from us Remdesivir showed positive anti-COVID-19 results-Gilead news

Finally, Remdesivir, a treatment of choice for COVID-19 INFECTION, had confirmed positive clinical data As we expected in our early post.


Hot Summer Ends COVID-19 Pandemic In Hawaii and Puerto Rico

Dr. Jinhai Wang

US coronavirus new cases dropped to 21000. Very important and interesting to see that Hawaii only had 2 new cases,and Puerto Rico had 11 new cases. Hawaii and Puerto Rico are already in Summer. No longer pandemic of COVID-19 in Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

1918 Pandemic flu ended in summer!

2009 Swine flu ended in summer!


Thanks Dr. Lei Chen, NYC, and Dr. Zhehui Wang, PA for their believe as we believe that COVID-19 will ends in summer.


COVID-19: WORLD CASES 3 Millions with 208000 Deaths, Current Death Rate Near 7%

Nations                           Cases                      Deaths             Current death rate

US                                  993103                      55729                                5.5%

France                           125000                     22800                               18%

Italy                                199000                    26977                                13.5%

UK                                  153000                     21092                               14%

Spain                             220000                    23521                                10%

Belgium                           46687                       7207                               15%

Brazil                               63584                       4300                                 7%

Germany                        158154                       6006                                 4%

Turkey                            112261                       2900                                 2.6%

Russia                              87147                         794                                    1%

Canada                            47356                       2617                                   5.5%

Coronavirus Pandemic: Tasks and opportunities facing USA

Dr. Jinhai Wang, Virologist

The COVID-19 PANDEMIC in USA is plateaued in quite a few states and in USA, THANK for staying home police and warmed up weather. The tasks facing USA in the coming months are big, and may lead to the control, even end of the pandemic in USA.

1.  Cut/control infection from family to family

2. Stay home till the end of May while having minimal workers to keep essential

3. To best use summer to end the pandemic. China controled it in winter. USA cut USA-China air delayed the pandemic in USA for 2 months (2 winter months). Now USA CAN BEST USE SUMMER TO END THE PANDEMIC. Summer starts May 5.

5. Speed up vaccines for November for USA and EU.

6. EXPAND REMDESIVIR testing in 1) USA: 300 patients OPEN-LABEL study in NY (6% current death rate), 200 patients OPEN-LABEL study in MICHIGAN(8% current death rate); 2) EU: 200 patients OPEN-LABEL study in France (17% current death rate).

Protect Your Family From COVID-19

Make sure your family members wear masks when going out of house for shopping, working, walking. Protect your family members is the essential of protecting yourself. On the other hand, make sure you wear mask when going out of house. Protect yourself is essential of protecting your family members.  Stay home, Stay home, and Stay home. Do not “burn” your family.

Anti-COVID-19 Antibodies are not Suitable Markers for Early Diagnosis

Jinhai Wang, M.D., Virologist, Immunologist

Due to the fast progress of coronavirus infection in the acute phase, early diagnosis is paramount. It has been reported that antibodies (IgM, IgG) to COVID-19 only detectable 11, or 12 days later in most patients after infection. Therefore, acute COVID-19 infections would be wrongly diagnosed and not be treated on time.

CONCLUSION:  Anti-COVID-19 antibodies are not suitable markers for acute phase or early diagnosis of coronavirus infection. These anti-COVID-19 antibody assays may be good for vaccine development, assessing immune status to coronavirus.

Hawaii and Puerto Rico: Leading in ending COVID-19 Pandemic in USA

Dr. Jinhai Wang, Virologist, Immunologist

Hawaii and Puerto Rico are tropic areas of USA. These two areas like sensors of USA upon summer effects on COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Puerto Rico new infection peaked on April 10 with 110 infections, yesterday down to 50. For April 13 to April 18, total 200 new infections, or average 40 new infections/day. Hawaii new infection peaked on March 31 with 30 infections, and now 21 new cases in April 18. For the past week, total new infections were 95. Therefore, USA tropic zone leads the way of ending COVID-19 Pandemic this summer.

From the standing point of COVID-19 vaccine, for anti-COVID-19 IgG has been used as diagnosis tools, with more than 90% been positive for anti-COVID-19 IgM/IgG post infection, inactive vaccines certainly would be an effective vaccine.

COVID-19: Remdesivir, a choice of treatments?Remdesivir临床好结果

REMDESIVIR showed good clinical data (one arm of Phase III) in severe COVID-19 patients (113/125 total)(STAT News). Most patients were cured in a week. Only 2 deaths. The data was better than historical controls. More data is on the way. Chicago 大学新冠病人 共125例, 113重症, 经REMDESIVIR治疗,发热等症状消失,大多一周出院,仅两例死亡。 比历史对照好。

Jinhai Wang Songs

New COVID-19 cases in New York dropped to 6300 after staying home in place纽约宅家后新冠新确诊数降至6300

New York, the leading state in COVID-19 infection and have had days of new infections over 10000 per day, now reported 6300 new infections for yesterday, Monday, April 13, 2020. New York is still cold though warm up some. This drop was mainly due to that people have stayed home to control viral infection as the nation asked. Hopefully the trend will continue. Staying home, Summer will come in 22 days.  New Yorkers! Doctors and nurses!

Turning Points of COVID-19 Pandemic: US and World? 美国和世界新冠病毒大流行拐点出现

Coronavirus new infections in US dropped to 23570 in April 13, SHOWING a turning point in US COVID-19 infection. It is a mixed effect of staying home in US and hot weather in several states(Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, California). World new cases were also dropped to 72778, showing a sign of turning point of COVID-19. Data of South America, Africa, other tropic nations indicate that when it is closer to summer, new infection number would drop even more. Summer is May 5, only 22 days left, please stay home to help control the pandemic and help yourself and your family.

Lilith Fair
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