Archive for the ‘DPS-Disaster Prevention Strategies’ Category

India will be Number 1 Populated Nation in 2020 and China Concludes its 36 Years Birth Control – Dr. Jinhai Wang

Based on the following factors:

1) 2018 population, India (1.375B) vs China (1.42B; Taiwan included)

2) growth rate of population,

3) ratio of aging group in total,

4) predicted death number,

5) number of ladies at birth age,

6) birth willingness of ladies,

7) family size,

an estimate has been made that is “India will surpass China (including Taiwan) in population in 2020″.

The estimate would hold even if China terminates its birth control police now.

China and India both face big challenges, but totally different one. China needs to maintain its generation size at a preset reduced level after the plateau of its population , whereas will India (in a curve-up growth line) consider any control police at all?

The 36 years of birth control in China demonstrated that humans at times can control themselves at large. You may want some beautiful songs from Med Music Gospel, Thunders, and Med Music World 2 from Med Music Wang (Jinhai).

China Birth Control vs Multi-Children Family to Come – Jinhai Wang, M.D.

It is a big turning point for China in birth control. After more than 36 years birth control, eg. one  family one child, China is at a critical point to avoid 75% population drop in 20 years. In other words,  when China 50′s, 60′s boomers facing their times within 20 years, if still had the one child police in place, the population could drop to 0.350 billions. The best police would be 2 children a family, mixed with 3 children or one child families. Large scale house constructing should be ceased soon to avoid oversupply. Children products should be in their best prices. After 1970 and single-child ladies should be well cared as future mothers.
China already took action to allow certain family to have second child. Now every family should have right to have second child.
自1982年施行计划生育已三十多年。 4-2-1 是三代人的代号,即四个爷爷奶奶, 俩个爸妈, 一个孩子。
人口老化, 缺年青人,劳力不足,人口将降至25%。大规模兴建住房已到尽头。随着中国50′s, 60′s 跨入60, 70, 80岁, 房屋空置将急局增加。 
4-2-2 应提倡, 每家两个孩子, 此乃长久之策, 人口保持50%, 即七亿。
常言道, 失之毫厘, 谬以千里。彼一时,此一时 。
改革开放不可缺, 独立自主不可无。
4-2-2, 或8-4-4-4-4 应为既定国策, 人口出一进一。 4-2-2,4-2-3,4-2-1混合社会家庭并存。优惠儿童商品。
My new song 新歌 Water Angel Flowers 水仙花, piano 钢琴, steal drum 钢鼓 music 音乐 in my new album 金碟 THUNDERS 迅雷 wish you a joyful Moon Festival
喜乐医乐   王晋海医生

Music Olympics 2017 Album – Med Music Gospel by Jinhai Wang (Artname Med Music)

<Med Music Gospel> Album has 12 golden songs sang by counter tenor Jinhai Wang. The album is only available at iTunes and Google Play. A great album with a single of a never recorded greatest original sheet music of 1840 “Oh Holy Night”. This track was recorded by a counter tenor Jinhai Wang, a counter tenor singing in golden voice, with even more challenging rearrangement of the already great ending of the sheet music, a recording no one want to miss. Another golden recording is a wonderful song that no one will not love is a 1700s gospel “For the beauty of the Earth”. The best among the best of new gospel songs is “Crocus Gospel”, words, music, and sang by Jinhai Wang.  The ending song of the album is “Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas” in a record high and long melody. Enjoy!  The other singles include a new song “Cloudbow”, and new recordings of “Silent Night”, “Amazing Grace”, “Moon River”, “Joy to the World”, so on. The Label of the album is Super-Joy Med Music Corporation, Maryland, Washington DC Metro, USA.

The other golden albums from counter tenor Jinhai Wang ( Med Music) include <Med Music Best Pop>, <Med Music  -Hits from Broadway>, <Crocus>, <Med Music World (2)>, and are available at iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon. You will find the great recording of the most famous opera song “Nessun Dorma” by Jinhai Wang in the same key as the recording of Pavarotti.

Criminal abuse of Sexharestments to against candidates, officials, and businessman

Dr. Jinhai Wang

As a medical officer in Gov before, and a businessman, singer, songwriter, founder of companies, same to other people, that I have observed a big criminal abuse of sexharestments to against party candidates, gov officials, and business owners in recent  years.   What most cases of sexharesrtments have had been talked about in recent years? Hand toward a hand; 3 phone call messages for a potential lunch meet; normal light hugs after long time did not see of a group member; normal light hug after a short talk. According to these samples, all the candidates for any offices of any gov branches, departments, agency, House, Senate, States, Counties may be all wrongly charged of that for what they have had done normally during their elections. No hugs for any candidates in any election? Did that ever happened?  Or should we shut down all election meetings, and just chat online like robots? Then all the girls may feel no fun at all. One potential is some of the evils that against other people, against USA, against humans might use sexharestment traps to against one party, one nation, one business, or all humans. Anything related to Hussein regime are natural enemies of USA, and has to be cleared out from USA. Those evils themselves actually may be big rapists and abnormal.

World War II New Summary – From Med Music Jinhai Wang

Med Music Jinhai Wang thinks that 1937.9.18 invasion of China by Japan inspired the growth and control of Nazes in Germany. Whether that accelerated the time table of WWII to 1939 is a question.  German attacked France, British, Russia, and other nations in EU during 1939-1944. China defensed Japan and Russia defensed Germany, Russia and China protected each other from the attacks of Germany and Japan from two sides . Italy was on the side of German and Japan. Bombing Pearl Harbor by Japan led USA attacking of Germany in EU. USA air force also showed up in the air of China and helping protection of that region that under Japanese attacking. After a big snow, Russia started their big counter-attack of Germany troops, including Tank troops that was inside of Russia. British, France, USA also mounted great counter attack of Germany troops in EU. EU battle was ended in 1945.5, and Germany was divided into West Germany that was under the monitoring of USA, British, and France, and East Germany, which was directed for a not long time under Russia.  After the end of EU battle in 1945.5, Russia Red Army entered China to help against Japan in China. In early of 1945.9., second day after a small island bombing by USA airforce, Japan declared Japan was defeated. The World War II was ended. The 8 years of anti Japanese invasion of China was also ended.  At times, when there were no choice but to defend the independence and freedom of most nations and people, and the choice of each nation, then it had to be for the protection of most people and their freedom.

Eight years of war, how many lives were lost in China? 6 years of World War II, how many lives were lost in the world?  Why to start wars to against other nations?

Thanks for many great comments and supports from many.

Remove/Clear Sound Harm To Man


Sound may classified as good and bad. Good sound like music, songs, sea wave sound, wind blow sound, sound from wind blowing leaves, bird singing, etc. Bad sound, or harmful sound are those intolerable, noise, harmful to people. Bad or unwelcomed sound that harm persons all the times should be eliminated.

It seems that one of the best way to eliminate sound harm is to use water-insolation,  or let the harmful sound source be emerged in water.

Today we declare that we as human can remove or destroy harmful sound.


Wedsday Morning: White Clouds, Blue Sky in Beijing by Med Music Jinhai Wang

Sunset of Beijing Today, from Med Music Jinhai Wang

Great sunset of Beijing.

In the afternoon, there are a lot of white clouds in the clear blue sky.  At about 7:00 p.m., there were great sunset at the east city of Beijing. Beautiful dark pink clouds light up the sky, what a wonderful evening!

Book “Music and Human Health” 2010 and “La La Land” Nominations in Oscar Awards 2017

Music and Human Health” was published in 2010. In the book we (Jin H. Wang, pen name of Jinhai Wang) have had Q & A  on four music related issues in addition to other issues, such as control HIV-1, how to cure cancer, how to reach 100 years birthday. The four music issues are 1) Does music have medical value; 2) Do songs do the same thing? 3) Do all people respond to the same music the same way; 4) How can I find the music best for me.

Book “Scientific Introduction to Bible – the Design of Life” was published in 2013 (New edition in 2016). In the book we concluded 1) Darwin’s evolution was a joke; 2) Human was not automatically coming from soil; 3) introduced Med Music, great and joyful music to everyone. Now Med Music (Jinhai Wang) has had 7 albums released during 2015 and 2016, great music for everyone. They are so great no matter Grammy or not. They may be medal-ed in Music Olympic this year. The holiday album Med Music Gospel on iTunes or on Google Play  is a wonderful one for everyone.

2017 Oscar nominated movie “La La Land”, a music movie, for 14 categories. It is the most nominated music movie. Sound of Music was awarded for 5 in 1965.

18.9 billions in the world in 2071 with the world only can support 9 billions in 2050

The world population grew 1.7 times from 2.6 billions in 1951 to 7 billions in 2011, a 1.7 times increase over 60 years. If nothing would be done, a world population of 9.8 billions in 2041 and 18.9 billions in 2071 would be seen.

Lilith Fair
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