Archive for the ‘Origin of Life’ Category

Are Lifespans of USA groups LINKED to numbers of immigrants’ elder parents?

Reported By Dr. Jinhai Wang


Lifespans of Groups in USA are:

Black 75; White 80;  Hispanic  85;  Asian 88

However, groups have differences:

Blacks:  entire group, everyone was counted.

The average lifespan of China is 76: entire population were counted.

White: group plus some elder immigrated parents

Hispanic: group plus maybe more elder immigrated parents

Asian: group plus maybe more elder immigrated parents

Omicron: Protect Yourself, but do have a nearly good living

By Dr. Jinhai Wang

Omicron was soaring, with new cases over a million a day. Hospitalization was up in last two weeks and total to 135,000 (NBC).

Hospitalization rate住院率 for Omicron噢密克戎 is roughly 1% OF NEW INFECTIONS新感染病人, the lowest among COVID variants.

ABC estimated that OMICRON IS ABOUT 10% TOXIC AS that of DELTA variant.

Wear masks while shopping, keep social distance (unmasked friends are your biggest enemies), get your shots and booster. If you do not want vaccine, Omicron may be your “live vaccine”.

Can Omicron be a “Live Vaccine”?

By Dr. Jinhai Wang

Omicron has been reported 6 days ago  to be passed the peak in South Africa (Washington Post), with few deaths and hospitalizations. In US Omicron is dominative with reported high rate of 95% of COVID-19 newly infections (CDC), BUT it said the ICUs are not too crowded (Bloomberg; Our World In Data; The New York Times).

There are two questions facing US: 1, HOW GOOD is the protections by vaccines in against Omicron (Pfizer said 3 shots had good protection in vitro. We need clinical data)? 2. Will Omicron infection protect one from be infected by other variants and function as a “Live Vaccine”? Of note, we know Omicron not very long, longer term impacts are not clear yet.

Those questions are important to other nations as well,  such as China, where how to control infections become more and more challenging.

Bye Bye 2021, Welcome Happy New Year 2022


Dr. Jinhai Wang

In the early time of COVID-19, DEATH RATE could reach 10% or more. Then in USA it was about 1.6%. Delta was weaker. Omicron is so far maybe even weaker than that of Delta (South Africa Doctors) and was weak in USA (CDC Director Dr. Walensky on available cases) . Maybe there is a natural selection that limited more toxic strains of COVID. More mutations of a big toxin (Original COVID -19), maybe less toxicity of the COVID variants. HOPEFULLY THAT’S THE CASE.

For the Beauty of the Earth 地球之美

For the Beauty of the Earth  Med Music Gospel (by Jinhai Wang)

PROGRAMED DEATH: Human individuals?

Dr. Jinhai Wang, Medmusic LLC


The leading causes of death in humans are heart diseases, cancer, stroke, etc.  Therefore, humans could die at their 40′s, 50′s, 60′s. But there are people that they lived to 90′s or 100′s, and they left this world without any known diseases. Hence, are humans on individual programed death?

Bible stated that human life span dropped from 900 years old to 120 years old. Indeed current average life spans for USA people is 78 years old, for China is 76 years old, for Japan is 84 years old. None is very close to 120 years old.

How to improve individual life span? It is a billion dollars’ question.

July Rose

July Roses are blooming every way again this year. They are so pretty and charming.


2021 Cherry Blossom Peak Time

DC 2021 peak cherry blossom time is March 30 to April 2, according to Park.

Flowers already bloomed/bloom in Washington metro area:  Crocus, Navy Blue, Royal Purple, Tulip.

March 30 is a great Sunny day!

Spring Journey, fun time and healthy

Spring, Spring, Spring, finally here. Jinhai Wang songs.

Lilith Fair
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