Archive for the ‘DPS-Disaster Prevention Strategies’ Category

Zika virus: the affected need rubbers

The affected by Zika virus for the most is like to have a cold. The biggest problem is, so far reported , birth baby defects. In order to control those birth baby defects, it is a time to have birth control in place ahead of times. The simplest and most effective way is to use rubbers at all times. The world could grow more rubber trees if the world needs more rubbers. Clear as much mosquitos as possible. Stay away from mosquitos. Remove or treat dirty waters.

Social-Economic Stages of the World – The Complex of Capital-Social System

by Jinhai Wang and DC Jubsal

Social-economic stages of a nation has been named as Original, Slavery, Feudal, Capital, Social, and Communist in the 18 century by Karl Max and others. It was believed that those stages would occur sequentially and was told in classrooms. These first 4 stages happened in some nations in EU sequentially. One of the biggest breakthroughs of the system is the October Revolution of Russia. People there claimed and declared that a nation could move from Feudal system directly to Social system without going through Capital system. Another big breakthrough was the establishment of The PR China in 1949, which was considered as a direct move from Feudal system to Social system. USA, though with very short history,  seems moved very fast from Slavery system directly into Capital system and was benefited quite a lot from EU Industrial Revolution.

Tu Youyou, QingHaoSu, Malaria Treatment of Choice, Nobel Price, and China

Still remember like yesterday that we learned in early 1980s,  in now named Southern Medical School in Guangzhou, Qinghaosu (青蒿素) is the first choice and only drug to treat malaria. Now Qinghaosu and Tu Youyou (屠呦呦), a 50s graduate of Beijing Medical School, has brought the first Nobel Price in Physiology or Medicine to ZhongGuo中国(China). Congrats!

Jinhai Wang, MD, in USA

Life expectancy changes of China and US in 50 years

1960                     2010

China              43.47                     74.88

US                   69                           78.54

Japan             67                           82.84

According to World Bank

There has been an amazing changes for China in 50 years, from 43.47 years in 1960 to 74.88 years in 2010. However, there are still rooms to improve for US and China.

Evolution and Darwin:Supported by Molecular Biology?

Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace were the first to formulate a scientific argument for the theory of evolution by means of natural selection. Evolution by natural selection is a process that is inferred from three facts about populations: 1) more offspring are produced than can possibly survive, 2) traits vary among individuals, leading to different rates of survival and reproduction, and 3) trait differences are heritable

One fact is all those were prior to molecular biology, even cell biology. Just imaging how a virus changing to a cell, a mouse changing to a dog, or a monkey changing to a man. Are those likely to be true to you?  Not metioning that monkey and man have different numbers of chromsomes.

We do have different colors. DARWIN COULD BE REALLY RIGHT ON THAT!

Cold places have white; warm places have yellow; too much sun, got black! Just a thought for tea time!

Joyful White Blooming Christmas

Joyful White Blooming Christmas photo

The end of the world on December 21, 2012 was a story now

It is Bible time December 22, 2012 now!!! ET5:00PM, Dec, 21, 2012

Breast Cancer-Early Diagnosis and Treatment a must

DC Jubsal

Breast cancer

Breast cancer is quite different from other solid tumors. Patients could survive more than 20, or 30 years after surgical removal of breast cancer. Early diagnosis is very important. Due to the fact that the locations of breast cancer could usually be relatively superficial, which made the early diagnosis possible. Therefore, breast cancer screening is a must. Current guidelines for the screening are as follow:


The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has issued new breast cancer screening guidelines, which are published in the November 17 issue, 2009, of the Annals of Internal MedicineMedicine.


The updated guidelines were based on the efficacy of film mammography, CBE, BSE, digital mammography, and MRI, in lowering breast cancer mortality rates.

  • The USPSTF recommends against routine screening mammography in women aged 40 to 49 years.
  • Women aged 50 to 74 years should undergo biennial screening mammography, which is associated with decreased breast cancer mortality rates.
  • The benefits and harms of either digital mammography or MRI vs film mammography as screening modalities for breast cancer are unclear.

The task force recommends against teaching breast self-examination (BSE).

The benefits and harms of clinical breast examination (CBE) for women aged at least 40 years is unclear, which is different from the 2002 statement that endorsed mammography screening, with or without CBE, annually or biennially for women 40 years or older.

American CancerCancer Society has different opinion as regard to whether to have routine mammography screening for women between aged 40-49 years.


In my opinion, it is not a bad idea to have a self check or have your careful partner or hub check it for you several times a year, especially if you are not in high risk group and do not plan to have screening mammography done when over 40. Mammography, which may be more sensitive than physical examination of the breasts, can detect presymptomatic breast cancer, especially when microcalcification was found. A fact is that for early breast cancer at a size of 3-5 mm, it is no way to be detected by physical examination. However, it can be detected by mammography if having microcalcification.  If you are aged 40 to 49 and you have concerns whether you are possibly at high risk, please discuss with your doctor to determine whether you need and when you should to start Mammography screening. Due to possible false positive, you should have second opinion whether you do have breast cancer, and whether you should have mastectomy done. If your mom, aunt, or elder sister had breast cancer, you should get checked at or before early 40 every year.

Sandy and Disaster Prevention–Disaster-Prevention-Strategies-ebook/dp/B006KD2RP2/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1351559420&sr=1-1&keywords=DPS-DISASTER+PREVENTION++STRATEGIES

Earthquake Prediction–Disaster-Prevention-Strategies-ebook/dp/B006KD2RP2/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1351559420&sr=1-1&keywords=DPS-DISASTER+PREVENTION++STRATEGIES

Lilith Fair
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