Archive for the ‘DPS-Disaster Prevention Strategies’ Category

Sharp increase of Lung Cancer in China in Recent 10 Years 中国肺癌巨增

China lung cancer on rise, smog suspected – China Daily | Reuters…/china…/china-lung-cancer-on-rise-smog-suspected-china-dail…
Aug 10, 2017 - SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China has seen a sharp rise in the incidence of lung cancer in the past 10-15 years, with long-term exposure to air …

Epidemiology of lung cancer in China. – NCBI
by M Cao – ‎2018 – ‎Cited by 3 - ‎Related articles

Nov 28, 2018 - The incidence and mortality rates of lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer death in China, have significantly increased in recent years, and …

Air pollution suspected for sharp rise in China lung cancer rate | South … › News › China › Society
Jul 20, 2018 - Air pollution suspected for sharp rise in China lung cancer rate.

Lung cancer tops China’s malignant tumour incidence rate |
Apr 16, 2018 - 781000 patients are diagnosed with lung cancer every year, giving it the highest incidence rate among China’s malignant tumours.


1500万死亡/年, 都死于啥?


中国重要企业关键高管相继在法国, 美国, 加拿大出大事, 丧身, 民企, 国企高层各应多多保福, 防未名之灾。

Protect World, Especially USA Tenors

Tenor  Jinhai Wang

Famous USA tenors Mario Lanza, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, as well Head singer of Beatles were all dead before age 50 (38, 42, 50). Some say how about Pavarotti?  Yes, Pavarotti was dead when he was over 70 years old, but he was an Italian living in USA. All the members of Three Tenors are/was not USA citizens. They are either Italian or Spain, and they (Placid Domingo and Jose Carreras) are over 70 years old now.

As a USA tenor, try to live over 50 years old in USA. I am a tenor and am over 50 years old, my concerts are “Best of Lanza and Pavarotti”, but with just about 10 years professional singing time, that is shorter then those of Lanza, Presley, and Jackson. The lucky thing maybe I am a doctor too for those years, so still live. 


Songs of Med Music Jinhai Wang

Jinhai Wang – Youtube

One Nation Under God – USA

USA was and now again is “One Nation Under God“, as stated in State of Union 2019 at Capital in Washington, DC.


However, will the nation be out of taking humans rights away from people? USA is corporated America, not Guardianshipped America.

Jinhai Wang

Jinhai Wang, 王晋海,M.D., TENOR/SONGWRITER, Founder of Music Olympics, Inc. as well as Super-Joy Med Music Corporation, MD, USA.

Birthplace: China. Graduated from a medical school in Guangzhou.

Ex-work places/work: A Beijing Medical Institute; A Hebei Hospital Doctor; Washington DC metro area (NIH, FDA) Scientist/Doctor.


Albums: Med Music 2015; Med Music World 2015; Crocus 2016; Med Music – Hits from Broadway 2016; Med Music Best Pop 2016; Thunders 2017; Med Music Wang: Love & Flowers 2018; Med Music Gospel 2016; so on.

Signature songs: O SOLE MIO, YOUNGER THAN SPRINGTIME, DARE TO ASK WHERE IS THE ROAD 敢问路在何方, Crocus Gospel, 白玉兰 BaiYuLan (White Jem Blue), Cantique de Noel (Oh, Holy Night)

Best Shows:  Best of Pavarotti and Lanza, 2016, MD;  Med Music Love Songs & Pavarotti live, 2017, New York.

Books: Scientific Introduction to Bible – The Design of Life, 2013.12. Several other books.

Research papers: Many – Pubmed

Scientific findings: 1) Monkey to man or man to monkey 2010

2) Evolution is a joke from Darwin to explain the origin of life

3) Central Dogma can not explain the origin of life

4) Grand Design of Life and World




中国是肝病最多的国家。 据多家报道,现在在中国肺癌已超过肝癌。空气治理很重要。

Estimates of cancer incidence and mortality in China, 2013 – NCBI – NIH
by R Zheng – ‎2017 – ‎Cited by 49 - ‎Related articles

Aug 17, 2017 - Cancer leaves serious disease burden in China with high incidence and mortality. Lung cancer 肺癌was 是the most common cancer 最多的肿瘤and the leading cause of cancer death最常见肿瘤死亡原因 in China中国.

Lung Cancer in China – CHEST
by J She – ‎2013 – ‎Cited by 270 - ‎Related articles

In 2008, lung cancer肺癌 replaced替代 liver cancer 肝癌as the number one cause of death第一位死因 among people with malignant tumors in China在中国. The registered lung cancer …

Lung Cancer 肺癌 Most Common Cancer 最常见肿瘤 In China: Air Pollution Taking Its …
Jan 29, 2016 - Researchers estimate China endured 2.8 million cancer deaths during 2015 and 4.3 million new cancer cases, with lung
cancer the most …
中国The ten leading causes of cancer deaths 前10位肿瘤死因were lung cancer肺癌, liver cancer肝癌, gastric cancer胃癌, esophageal cancer食道癌, colorectal cancer结肠癌, pancreatic cancer胰腺癌, female breast cancer女性乳腺癌, brain tumor脑癌, leukemia白血病, and lymphoma淋巴瘤.

Toward 100 years old: Bush at 94, over Deng’s record of 93

Jinhai Wang, M.D.

41st president Bush made 94,  over Reagan’s 93, very close to 100. His life was a big memory of many’s life. Many many thanks from many many different people. In the race toward 100, he did great job as one top leader of the nation and the world. He will be in the memory of people. Blessed.

Now President Carter卡特 (94 yrs old now), President Jiang江 (over 92 yrs old now), Premier Zhu 朱(90 yrs old now),  Premier Li (90 yrs old now) are in the big march.

In the past, Deng 邓 made 93, Mao 毛 only 82. Deng’s co-lead Li BoChen 刘伯承 was 94,RenDa人大 WeiYuanZhang委员长 Zhu De 朱德 was 90, Peng Zhen 彭真 was 95 . Many made close to 90 in the past: Ye JianYing 叶剑英委员长 89; Chen Yun 陈云 89, Song QingLing 宋庆玲 89; Jiang 蒋 88. In the past, there were a few members of national level leaders from China side made 100:  Wan Li万里委员长 (Mainland) 99.8;Chen LiFu陈立夫 (Mainland to Taiwan, to USA) 100 yrs 5m, Zhang XueLiang张学良 (Mainland to Taiwan) 100岁4个月. Now Bush布什 made 94.  The lead in China side was Song MeiLing宋美玲 (Mainland to Taiwan, to USA) 106. (This is a brief list. USA side may be going to be another list).

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  聖诞新年喜乐!

Merry Christmas and Happy 2019 New Year








World AIDS Prevention Day 世界预防艾滋病日

Rule # 1, protect youself and your family members from it. 保护你自己和家人

Music and Good Night Sleep – Med Music

Have a good night sleep is good to everyone. Good work, living, health all need good night sleep. Sleepless for a couple nights would be very disturbing.  Tenor Jinhai Wang, and the med music he created, may, in one way, make you feel joyful, in the other way, he wishes that his music could help you sleep well. Jinhai Wang, M.D., Tenor, just released his new album “Med Music Wang & the Lady Singers: Flowers & Love“, and wish you, and all his music lovers,  to have good night sleep every night.

Lilith Fair
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