Social-Economic Stages of the World – The Complex of Capital-Social System   2015.11.15


by Jinhai Wang and DC Jubsal

SJ Med Music Corporation, 420 Bostwick Lane, Gaithersburg, MD20878, USA



Current social-economic systems of the world are complex. How to define a nation’s stage of development is confusional sometimes. Social-economic stages of a nation has been named as Original, Slavery, Feudal, Capital, Social, and Communist in the 18 century by Karl Max and others. It was believed that those stages would occur sequentially and was told in classrooms. These first 4 stages happened in some nations in EU sequentially. One of the biggest breakthroughs of the system is the October Revolution of Russia. People there claimed and declared that a nation could move from Feudal system directly to Social system without going through Capital system. Another big breakthrough was the establishment of The PR China in 1949, which was considered as a direct move from Feudal system to Social system. USA, though with very short history,  seems moved very fast from Slavery system directly into Capital system and was benefited quite a lot from EU Industrial Revolution.



The world development is unbalanced and mixed with different social-economic systems. To better understand the world and its development is of interest to all people in the world. To better understand the world it is important to define  the stages of social-economic development of the major nations around the world. However, how to define the social-economic stage of a given nation is challenge sometimes. Here Dr. Wang, et al, at SJ Med Music Corporation has made the first cut on this big issue.


The social-economic stages of Europe, Russia, P.R. China, and USA

The social-economic stages of the four major systems of the world are listed in table 1

Table 1.  The Social-economic stages of the four major systems of the world








(Proposed consideration)







目前 (暂被认为)





+(Industry revolution)


Capital-social mix














Capital-social programs

P.R. China




-475 to 1911


1912 to 1949


1949 to 1979


Social-capital mix



In the theory of Karl Marx the last stage is communism. Currently, there is no nations in that stage. It is a question whether that stage could come to the world in many years later.


The health systems of P. R. China and USA

P. R. China:   Medicine (Treatment and prevention) and traditional medicine (Wellness and supportive)

USA:  Medicine (Treatment and prevention). Traditional medicine in early stage.

The major believes of people in USA and P.R. China

USA: Christian and Cathelic

P.R.China: Budhism. The number of Christian is increasing.

The Evolution Theory of Darwin is unscientific on the sense of origin of life and is a major factor preventing the increase of believers in both nations.

Lilith Fair
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