Science and Godness – Grand Design of Life and World – A Key Ruling Role for 7. Dr. Jinhai Wang


Dr. Jinhai Wang

February 7, 2017

There are a lot of sevens in the world :

Before we have had GPS and compass, people used to get directions from the Big Dipper. The North Star (Polaris) of the Dipper will lead one to the north. There are seven stars in the Dipper.

There are many beautiful flowers blooming in the spring. Red, white, pink, yellow, you name it. Purple is a Royal color for British. Amazingly, there are seven naturally growing different shape and sized purple flowers blooming now in the backyard, a nature purple garden, of a private home.

The rainbows consist of seven colors:

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet

Without 7 colors the world would be in dark again.

The seven major feelings of humans, SOME SAY, are:

Happiness, angry, hopeless, joy, hate,  love, desire.

In music, there are seven notes in a music scale.

The world is divided into seven continents.

The measurements of our world are seven dimensional: up, down, left, right, front, back, and timing.

A week has seven days.

Bible states that God created our world in seven days.

Another fact is that our vision, smell, hearing, taste, feeling, neuronal transmission, and cell migration are all governed by GPCRs, G-protein coupled seven transmembrane receptors, the largest protein family of humans.

How many octaves in a solo have you heard?2 or 3 octaves??Do you know in Titanic how many octaves are in the great song My Heart Will Go On?Med Music Jinhai Wang has released several new albums (Crocus, Med Music Gospel, Med Music World 2, Med Music Best Pop, Med Music Hits from Broadway. At iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, so on). In these albums his songs displayed the best one can do in the music space. His songs make Pavarotti, and Lanza alive. The notes of his songs fly in the broad space of multi-octaves, and you can freely flying with him in each of the beautiful melodies.

7 is the basic of human:Each human has 2 ears, 2 eyes, 2 nose-openings, and one mouth and all are on the  head. Believe it or not, it is exactly a 7.  Each human depends on 7 for living: eating, drinking, breathing, seeing, listening, smelling, tasting, a 7 again.

There are 21 common chromosomes in each human, a 3 x 7. When chromosome 21 was messed up, one got Down Syndrome, one just could not be more stupid.

The same 7 rule governs the kingdom of all animals: from mouse, rat, fox, cat, rabbit, dog, horse, donkey, cox, monkey, and panda. They, just as human, are all depend on 7 for living.

As Dr. Jinhai Wang discovered and stated in “Scientific Introduction to Bible – the Design of Life”  2013, 2016, human and other life on earth were all created at the beginning.

Now Dr. Wang concluded that Life on earth and earth are all following the same rule of 7 in many aspects, that is they are all following the same design. Therefore, earth or world, same as life on earth, was created at beginning. Based on science and logic, Dr. Wang for the first time discovered that humans/life on earth, and our world/earth, are all created. This finding fully supports the statement in Bible that God created the World in seven days.




Posted in Gospel, Origin of Life


The book Scientific Introduction of Bible – the Design of Life is a favored one by Pastors, Doctors, Professors. In this book, Dr. Wang concluded that humans were not coming from soil automatically. Man from monkey and Darwin’s evolution were fog and smoke of last century. Dr. Wang’s  book is a great contribution to Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Medicine, and the mission of understanding the origin of humans  and life. He believes that this finding and discovery  will be believed by the public, and science community, Parties, and Governments that serve  the public and obey true theory that based on facts.

eBook, Book (paperback):

Partially from 1)7, a role for our world? Super Joy Med Music April 3rd, 2012


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