7, a role for our world? Super Joy Med Music

Before we have had GPS and compass, people used to get directions from the Big Dipper. The North Star (Polaris) of the Dipper will lead one to the north. There are seven stars in the Dipper.

There are many beautiful flowers bloming in the spring. Red, white, pink, yellow, you name it. Purple is a Royal color for British. Amazingly, there are seven naturely growing different shape and size purple flowers blooming now in the backyard, a nature purple garden, of a private home.


The rainbows consist of seven colors:

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet

The seven major feelings of humans, SOME SAY, are:

Happiness, angry, hopeless, joy, hate,  love, desire.

In music, there are seven notes in a music scale.

The world is divided into seven continents.

The measurements of our world are seven dimensional: up, down, left, right, front, back, and timing.

A week has seven days.

Bible states that God created our world in seven days.

Another fact is that our vision, smell, hearing, taste, feeling, neuronal transmission, and cell migration are all governed by GPCRs, G-protein coupled seven transmembrane receptors, the largest protein family of humans.



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