Darwin’s Evolution is a big joke to the origin of humans or life – Jinhai Wang and Med Music

Evolution has occupied the minds of humans since  the late of 1800. Though Bible stated that man was made by God from soil, billions of humans, since,  had and have believed that they were from monkeys on a scientific basis. A new book Scientific Introduction to Bible – the Design of Life, by Dr. Jinhai Wang and DC Jubsal, for the first time, discovered the limitations of Centrol Dogma, the soul stone of biology or life. The book firmly concluded that life or humans did not come from soil automatically. In other words, life, or humans were made at the beginning of humans or life. Darwin’s Evolution was based on naked eye observations, was before even Cell Biology, not to mention Molecular Biology.  However, only now Dr. Wang’s finding firmly classified Darwin’s Evolution as a big joke about the origin of humans or life. Dr. Wang’s new book has provided  in depth questions, reasonings to try to lead each readers to make their own conclusion about their own origins. It’s great if you read it together with your loved ones, and have an adventure to find your origin on 2016 Valentine’s day. By the way, Monkeys can not sing, humans can.

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