Archive for the ‘DPS-Disaster Prevention Strategies’ Category

China Coronavirus Death Rate Around 11.5% so far 中国新冠病毒目前的病死率是11.5%

China Feb. 20 reported:

Total cases: 74677

Cured:   16290

Death:   2122

Severe cases: 11864

Maybe cases:  4922

From these numbers, it seems that the spreading is under control. China’s way of staying home works fine to control the spreading of the coronavirus. The great effect by China and China doctors/nurses greatly reduced the number of death. AT THIS TIME THE DEATH RATE IS AROUND 11.5% [2122/(16290+2122)].

Over 3000 doctors/nurses said to have the virus from treating patients. It is important to treat those severe cases治疗重症病例很重要 that will finally determine the death rate of this disaster重症病例将最终决定病死率. There are 30000 doctors/nurses in Wuhan fighting the virus infection. It is also very important to better protect doctors/nurses from being infected同样重要的是要自保和更好的保护医生护士免受感染.

Commented by Jinhai Wang, M.D.

Winter Roses bloomed in December 腊梅腊月开

Protecting Doctors from Coronavirus Infection 6 Rules 保护医生防新冠病毒感染6条

Dr. Jinhai Wang


A total of 1700 doctors/nurses have been infected by coronavirus in China, suggest that these doctors need more protections for themselves 中国1716医生护士感染新冠病毒–保护医生和护士刻不容缓.

Here are the 6 suggestions:

1. Let patients wear N95 masks;


2. Spreading patient rooms with 0.1% bleach before doctor visit;

医生查房前0.1% 漂白液喷雾消毒病房

3. Wear double or two N95 masks by doctors


4. Wear protecting glasses by doctors;


5, Spreading 0.1% bleach briefly on doctors at time of out of patients room


6. Routine cleaning with  10% bleach or 75% alcohol



*Double N95 MASKS will be patent pending.

20000 Doctors/nurses are fighting Coronavirus in Wuhan, China

20000 Doctors from almost all famous hospitals of China have gathered  in Wuhan and are fighting the deadly coronavirus两万名中国精锐医生护士云集武汉战新冠肺炎. New cases outside of Wuhan have been dropped in recent days武汉外新增例数已下降.   The best human safe coronavirus killers are 10% bleach and 75% ACHOHOL安全消病毒剂: 10%漂白液, 75%酒精.

Diagnosed       63946

Dead                    1382

Cured                  7003

Maybe cases     10109


Summarized and concluded by Dr. Jinhai Wang

Cases                Severe Cases                  Death

28018                3859 (13.6%)                  563                 CHINA  (Reported by China)

407                       44 (10.8%)                        1                     Warm provinces

(Hainan, Yunan, Guangxi)


Therefore, nature heat protected patients against China coronavirus infection.

China Coronavirus is more heat sensitive than US Swine virus

Dr. Jinhai Wang

The biggest nature defendant to Flu is heat. Flu is usually spreading in cold days. US Swine virus is an exception, which was much more heat resistant. Therefore, Swine flu was strong even during warm months. China data suggest even though the virus may exist in March or April, but may not have that many severe cases or death cases. China Coronavirus would Not pass summer.

Coronavirus in China: About 3000 new cases and more than 50 deaths per day


Casese:  17205

Death: 361

中国新型肺炎:17205 确诊, 361 死亡。

Coronavirus in China: 14380 diagnosed, 304 Died

Severe cases 2110

Recovered 328

中国新型肺炎:  14380 确诊,304 死亡

Death rate IS UNCLEAR, MAYBE/should not be more than  (304+2110)/14380, most likely would be lower some.

Bleach is a good virus killerLike it!

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CORONAVIRUS 2019-2020: 9692 Diagnosed, 213 Died in China

China web news 2020-1-31:


死亡: 213

重症: 近close to 16%

Dr. Jinhai Wang pointed out that bleach is a good virus killer。

China New Pneumonia: 7830 diagnosed, 170 died

中国新型肺炎: 确诊7830, 死亡 170

Lilith Fair
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