Archive for the ‘DPS-Disaster Prevention Strategies’ Category

Death Rate of Coronavirus in Warm Months March-June Would be LESS than 0.5%, Data of China 6 Warm provinces

Dr. Jinhai Wang

The death rate of coronavirus varies at different locations. China data of 6 warm provinces indicate that in warm months the death rate could be less than 0.5%. US east coast is in early Spring, 3-4 weeks earlier then many years, many flowers are blooming. Instead of cold March and April, DC metro area enjoy a warm early Spring. Early warm Spring will reduce transmission of virus, lessen degree of sickness if infected. Hold yourself on, April will be with much less infected. The virus will be further less in May, and will be out in June in USA.

Warm states will control the virus earlier. South CA so far did better than North CA and Washington State.

Swine Flu ended in August many years ago.

2020 DC Cherry Blossom Begins Early Phase – Early Spring will help against CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC

Today WHO called for coronavirus pandemic. Early Spring is in DC metro area, which will help greatly in control coronavirus infection.

Dow dropped 1880 (7.2%) at opening: Coronavirus Outbreak

Dow, SP500, Nasdaq all drooped over 7% at Monday, March 9 opening for concern of coronavirus outbreak in US: 560 cases, 22 deaths.

There were very limited new cases in China when people there celebrated women’s day, March 8.

With Good Controls In Place the Coronavirus COVID-19 Infection Should End On/Before July, 2020

It is very likely that the coronavirus COVID-19 infection would end on or before July, 2020 if good controls are in place. This conclusion is based on multiple lines of data, information.

Each state should disclose which county of each comfirmed cases, a suggestion. Have a mask for shopping. Wash hands.

Coronavirus: The Map from Seattle to Califonia 新冠病毒:从西雅图到加州

Washington state is the first state reported death from CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 in USA, then 8 more deaths were reported in the same state.

California is the only state reported coronavirus death besides Washington state, and suddenly has 60 new cases. The first CA death patient must have had crossed Oregon state from Washington state to California.

华盛顿州先报9死, 加州报一死和60例。

TARGETING Lymphocytes by COVID-19, CHINA reported

From 162 patients data, China reported that  lymphocytes reduced along with disease progression to severe disease states in COVID-19 patients . It is a standing alone parameter for BAD outcomes of patients of COVID-19. 中国MEDRXIV发现COVID-19新冠肺炎病人淋巴细胞百分比随病情严重而巨降。

Comments by Dr. Jinhai Wang:      Reduction of T lymphocyes is a hallmark of HIV-1/AIDS. 艾滋病人T 淋巴细胞降低。In HIV-1 it is a direct targeting of T cells by HIV-1. It is yet to be determined whether COVID-19 directly target lymphocytes.

Coronavirus patients doing better in hot place: Low death rate of 0.7%–in China 热天有利抗新冠病毒,愈后好

Dr. Jinhai Wang

Patients in Wuhan suffered the biggest lose of lifes. Outside of Wuhan, patients were better off in hot/sunny provinces (0.75%, 12/1605), like Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Yunan, (also Jiangxi 0.125%, 1/831), then cold provinces (2.5%, 49/2110), like Henan, Heilongjiang, Beijing, Hebei. Those hot provinces have temperature of 20-25C, WHEREAS cold provinces were only near 0-5 C or below. WUHAN is between hot and cold provinces.

From these China web data, it is likely the death rate for COVID-19 will be below 1% in the summer if it could stay during summer at all.

The only death of US COVID-19 patients was in a cold state Washington State.

First US Coronavirus Death In Washington State and total 71 US cases REPORTED

It was thought that first US COVID-19 death would be in CA, BUT it is in Washington state.

There are total of 71 US cases: 44 from the cruise ship; 3 from China; 24 of US origin.

China Coronavirus Death Rate is around 6% now 中国新冠病毒死亡率现约为6%

China reported on web:

Cured cases: 39348

Death: 2838

Maybe cases dropped to 1418 only from ten thousands.

Total diagnosed cases: 79394

Current cases: 37208

Severe cases now: 7664


Therefore, based on these numbers reported by China web, Death rate now is 2838/[39348+2838] = ~6%.

Early Spring of 2020 Would be Very Good in Fighting Coronavirus早春有益早胜新冠病毒

In China, there are three warm/hot provinces that they did really well in controlling coronavirus infection, according to webs. Now Spring comes 3-4 weeks earlier in Washington DC Metro area. Early Spring will likely put any outbreaks of coronaviruses in end early. We disagree with the saying that coronaviruses will last years. It is current thought that coronaviruses will not pass this summer       目前认为新冠病毒不会过夏. – Dr. Jinhai Wang 王晋海


早春盛开二月花 – 预计樱花将于三月中盛开

华府二月的温暖催开了二月花。2020华府的春天比以往早到。紫白金Crocus也已盛开, 那紫色, 橘黄色和白色的花儿格外的可爱。 在中国二月花有 山茶花,水仙花,迎春,瓜叶菊,帖梗海棠,马蹄莲。

樱花是华府的一大景观。每年为樱花何时开都费心。 樱花可能4月开, 也可能3月底开。 预计今年樱花将提早于三月中盛开。
音乐奥林匹克刚发行了音乐光盘祝你早享春天的喜乐。该音乐光盘共有24首歌。见于乙型流感,和新冠肺炎, 多点宅内活动多点心安。据统计美国2020流感16000死亡, 280000住医院。
              jinhai wang youtube
Song Share Time Download
1. Moon Represents My Heart 月亮代表我的心
2. Tian Mi Mi 甜蜜蜜 Sweet Honey
3. Ye Lai Xiang 夜来香 Evening Primrose
4. Dream  梦
5. Met  相遇
6. A Time for Us 我们时空
7. Yi Jian Mei  一剪梅 A Rose
8. Red Peach Flowers and White Apricot Flowers (feat. Ennan Guan)
桃花红杏花白 管恩南
9. I Love My Nation’s Blue Sky 我爱祖国的蓝天
10. Love Me Tender 更温柔爱我
11. Sui Xian Hua 水仙花 (新歌) Water Angel Flower
12. All I Ask of You (feat. Huiju Chen) 倾心相爱  陈慧茹
13. Hai Yun 海韵 Sea Theme
14. Wei Fen XI Yu 微风细雨 Mild Wind Small Rain
15. Hua Er Wei Shen Me Zhe Yang Hong (Live) 花儿为什么这样红
Why Flowers are so Red
16. Bai Yu Lan 白玉兰 (新歌) White Jem Flower
17. I Could Have Danced All Night (feat. Ennan Guan)
18. Song of Grassland 草原之歌 (新歌)
19. Baseme Mucho 甜吻
20. A Lovely Rose 可爱的一朵梅瑰花
21. Fly in Clouds  荡云海 (新曲)
22. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas 领略聖诞喜乐
23. April in New York (Live) 四月在纽约
24. Crocus (Live) 紫白金
Lilith Fair
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