China Coronavirus Death Rate Around 11.5% so far 中国新冠病毒目前的病死率是11.5%

China Feb. 20 reported:

Total cases: 74677

Cured:   16290

Death:   2122

Severe cases: 11864

Maybe cases:  4922

From these numbers, it seems that the spreading is under control. China’s way of staying home works fine to control the spreading of the coronavirus. The great effect by China and China doctors/nurses greatly reduced the number of death. AT THIS TIME THE DEATH RATE IS AROUND 11.5% [2122/(16290+2122)].

Over 3000 doctors/nurses said to have the virus from treating patients. It is important to treat those severe cases治疗重症病例很重要 that will finally determine the death rate of this disaster重症病例将最终决定病死率. There are 30000 doctors/nurses in Wuhan fighting the virus infection. It is also very important to better protect doctors/nurses from being infected同样重要的是要自保和更好的保护医生护士免受感染.

Commented by Jinhai Wang, M.D.

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