California and Florida: COVID-19 INFECTIONS DROP A LOT; Away from beaches, away from COVID-19

Dr. Jinhai Wang

CA and FL, have had led the COVID-19 INFECTION IN USA IN RECENT WEEKS,  Aug. 3 new cases droped more than 60% from the peaks (CA from 13000 new cases down to 4500 cases; FL from 15000 new cases down to 5000 cases). Masks, social distance, stay home, away from beaches are all important. States directed beach closures are good.

It seems that COVID-19 is controlable in USA IF BEACHES are controled. China controled, no beach factor. NY controled, no beach factor. USA can control COVID-19 If USA got beaches controled. CA and FL have had display their turning point to go down. They may go back to prior heat wave level soon. Will USA COVID-19 new cases drop to below 10,000 at the end of August, 2020?

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