US Coronavirus turning points of Florida and Washington states on Easter复活节

Dr. Jinhai Wang

Although the new cases still high for US (522188 cases) and NY(180458 cases), Florida (18494 cases) is on turning points for new cases on Easter. Washington state (9608 cases) is also on turning points on Easter, mainly due to its staying home police. Florida has not asked people to stay home. Florida’s turning points are mainly due to hot days. California (20615 cases) is near its turning point for good staying home police and warm weather.

Happy Easter for showing first signs of state-wide control of coronavirus in Washington state, Florida, and Califonia. Summer would be protective for against coronavirus. The best is to have good staying home police plus summer that may end coronavirus. China controlled the virus by staying home and isolating infected. 华盛顿州, 弗罗里达, 加州新冠病毒新增病例拐点已现。


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