Med Music – Stop Negative Talking and Happily to 100 Years Old – SJ Med Music

6. Stop negative talking


We talked about music and happiness. We said that any sound could be music. However, negative talking could be a disaster. We all know that the incident of psychological events is higher in psychiatrists. Why? Because they were exposed to all the negative talk of their patients. They are so good and have professional training, but some of them were still affected by this.


One church sister told me that she almost jumped into a river when she was young. Why? Because her mom talked negatively all the time to her, and had no respect for her because she was a girl. Her mom’s negativity made her feel that she was useless in this world.


Almost everything can have two sides. Of course, we need to limit the dark side as much as possible. But can we find the bright side? Can we lead the way to the positive? Can we talk more of the good side? Smart people will find light in the dark and find the way to go forward. A laugh, a joke might be just good enough to unify and to find a way to move forward.


A message that I learned is that Jesus always finds the good side and gives people the courage they need to move forward.

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Lilith Fair
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