Archive for the ‘DPS-Disaster Prevention Strategies’ Category

Great hobbits that many artists have-Super Joy Med Music

Music is a great  hobbit of many, if not all, of us.  Thanks for all artists, especially at the day of Grammy Awards.

There are many great hobbits for artists:

Sports, many of us might want to marry with sports. Swimming, walking, biking, so on, are all great. Get a friend and do it together will be great. Walking along a river or on beach is amazing!


Take care of pets.


Go to beach.

Photographing while sightseeing.

Read a report about health. The body is yours, try to know some about it, so you can take more care about it. Topic like diet and health will be great.

Having a wine party is great, but make sure you are not drink too much and away from drugs!

There are many more. Comments are welcome!

May Whitney Houston be blessed!

John 3:16 and Valentine–SJ Med Music

By DC Jubsal

For God so loVed the world

That He gAve

His onLy



That whosoever

Believed In Him

Should Not perish

But have Everlasting life.

John 3:16

Happy Valentine Everyday everyone!

DPS-Disaster Prevention Strategies

A great book gift as a Valentine’s plus! DPS, like a GPS, may guide you to a safe forever life!

Can’t Help Falling in Love , Blue Hawaii, Elvis Presley, Med Music

A Time For Us – Romeo and Juliet- An Amazing Piano Solo by Modela45

Blessed East Coast-SJ Med Music

It’s amazing that the temperature in DC metro area in December and early January were not much below 32F,  and we still have green grass land everywhere!

It was great for skiing fans in 2009 when we had white Christmas for two weeks!

Wish for snow or no snow?

Jan. 9

Believe it or not, we had light snow today!

Music Health-Culture or Genes? SJ Med Music

We know genes are key to our health in many ways, although the diet of different societies could have huge impacts on our health. How about music? We know different cultures do have big impacts on our selections of music. Some groups are open to all good music, others might limit themselves with many social factors. Currently it’s unknown whether any genes play a role in our music selections. It’s certain that great music can be favored by almost all regardless of social background, such as church music, Broadway music, Angel, My heart will go on, so on.

Medicine and Music-How to live to 100 years? No smoking!

Happy New Year to All! Wish you a Happy, Joyful, and Healthy 2012

2               No smoking.

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death. There are more than a billion smokers in the world out of a total population of around 7 billion. It has been estimated that 50% of smokers will die prematurely from tobacco related illness, half in middle age (defined as 35 – 69 years of age) with an average loss of life expectancy of 20 – 25 years (8 years over all ages). The tobacco death clock hit 40 million for the decade (According to ASH, 14th World Conference on Tobacco Or Health 2009, and The Global Tobacco Epidemic 2008: WHO report). Whether we should blame the person or blame a possible “smoking gene” is debatable at this time. I tried cigarettes when I was nine with my classmates. But somehow, I never really liked it. It might be that I do not have the “smoking gene.” Neither my father nor my brother smoke cigarettes. One thing is clear: if you do not try it, even if you have a “smoking gene,” you might be fine. The better way might be “do not try it.” It’s unclear at this time whether smokers have the “smoking gene” or just that gene is functional in those persons.

Christmas Music and Health

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All!

Many people feel much happier during the holiday season. Why? Some say that family and friends come together, having gifts, no school, no work, good food, beautiful Christmas trees and lights, Santa, so on. Yes, all are right answers. One more important factor is music. Most Christmas songs are happy songs, not only the lyrics, but the music itself, peace, warm, and joy. There are many great Christmas songs. Here we present a few for you.

Frank Sinatra— Have yourself a merry little Christmas

Andy Williams— It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

Sarah McLachlan—Happy Christmas!

Burl Ives—A Holly Jolly Christmas

Oh, holy night

Celine Dion

Jash Groban

The World’s Happiest Countries of 2011 and Music?

According to Forbes the 5 happiest countries are :

5)Sweden High for political participation, social equality, environmental protection and has 123 mobile phones per 100 people.

4)New Zealand ranks no. 2 in governance, education and personal freedom. High tolerance for immigrants.

3)Australia has excellent education, government and great sale of natural resources.

2)Denmark ranks first in entrepreneurship and opportunity and has the world’s lowest start-up costs.

1)Norway has a  per capita GDP of $54,000, the richest in the world and and ranks second in safety and security.

Canada ranks 6th, U.S.A ranks 10th with 1st place for health.

However, some say Norway is a “boring, godless (just 13% go to church)”place.

The ranking is based on eight areas of the ingredients of prosperity: economy, entrepreneurship, governance, education, health, safety, personal freedom and social capital.

It will be good to know whether people in these top five or 10 countries play more music than people in other countries. We know music is very popular in U.S.A. Basically you can listen to music any where you want nowadays. Thanks to computers, youtube, Ipod, Iphone and so on. And you can listen to any music you want, thanks to our great composers and artists. Happy Holidays to you all!

Tofu a day, cancer away?

Many factors may contribute to the development of cancer, such as smoking, radiation, genetic factors, carcinogens. On the other hand, some herbs and food may have anti-tumor activity. We know colon cancer is one of the leading cancers in US and EU. One thing that is different in Asia/China from US/EU, among others, is much more Tofu in every day food. We know tyrosine kinase inhibitors are potent anti-cancer products, some are already approved for the treatment of some types of leukemia. A fact is that Tofu contains quite a lot of nature tyrosine kinase inhibitors, such as genistein.

Med Music-How to live to 100 years? SJ Med Music

Music and human health, or music and medicine, will continue to be a hot topic during the holiday seasons and in 2012. Here is a section from the book  and wish you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

It has been reported that individuals can reach 129 years old (Antisa Khvichava of Georgis) for woman and 122 years old for man with good mental status. Eternal life might be a future. It might take even longer than the fight to cancer. But, but could we have more people celebrating their 100th birthday? I think this is the first step that is reachable. There are some notable facts that will not only help you to live longer, but live happier.


We know we can’t choose our genes, so we happy with what we have. But there are things can be done that will make us healthier and happier.


1.                 30 minutes moderate physical activity a day. Walking, working in farms, gardens, or doing what ever you like.

Lack of enough physical activity is the second leading contributor of preventable death. A sedentary lifestyle has been linked to 28% of mortality from leading chronic diseases.

In older nonsmoking men, walking two miles or more per day is associated with an almost 50% lower age-related mortality. A significant difference in benefit was seen between no activity and moderate activity. A smaller difference in benefit between moderate and vigorous exercise was seen.

Patients who engage in regular moderate or vigorous exercise have a lower risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, type 2 diabetes, and osteoporosis.  Mild to moderate exercise is good for those with chronic illness too.

6.                 Stop negative talking


We talked about music and happiness. We said that any sound could be music. However, negative talking could be a disaster. We all know that the incident of psychological events is higher in psychiatrists. Why? Because they were exposed to all the negative talk of their patients. They are so good and have professional training, but some of them were still affected by this.


One church sister told me that she almost jumped into a river when she was young. Why? Because her mom talked negatively all the time to her, and had no respect for her because she was a girl. Her mom’s negativity made her feel that she was useless in this world.


Almost everything can have two sides. Of course, we need to limit the dark side as much as possible. But can we find the bright side? Can we lead the way to the positive? Can we talk more of the good side? Smart people will find light in the dark and find the way to go forward. A laugh, a joke might be just good enough to unify and to find a way to move forward.


A message that I learned is that Jesus always finds the good side and gives people the courage they need to move forward.


7. Med Music

Believe me, Med Music are better than Tylenol!


Laughing once a day, 10 years younger- SJ Med Music

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

Laughing once a day with your family/loved ones, laughing once a day at work place, laughing once a day with your friends, you’ll be young forever!!!

Lilith Fair
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