Archive for the ‘Peace’ Category

Can Omicron be a “Live Vaccine”?

By Dr. Jinhai Wang

Omicron has been reported 6 days ago  to be passed the peak in South Africa (Washington Post), with few deaths and hospitalizations. In US Omicron is dominative with reported high rate of 95% of COVID-19 newly infections (CDC), BUT it said the ICUs are not too crowded (Bloomberg; Our World In Data; The New York Times).

There are two questions facing US: 1, HOW GOOD is the protections by vaccines in against Omicron (Pfizer said 3 shots had good protection in vitro. We need clinical data)? 2. Will Omicron infection protect one from be infected by other variants and function as a “Live Vaccine”? Of note, we know Omicron not very long, longer term impacts are not clear yet.

Those questions are important to other nations as well,  such as China, where how to control infections become more and more challenging.

2022 First Snow

2022 first snow 第一场雪 in US East Coast美国东岸. It started at midnight, and stopped at noon雪半夜开始下, 中午停. In Maryland the snow fall is about 5″马州降雪5英寸. White snow covers land, trees, road白雪覆盖大地, 树木. It is a beautiful picture景很美. Many birds are flying to find food许多鸟在雪地寻食. It is a great New Year day to enjoy music, move, fire, and fun of snow 是个音乐,电视,玩雪的大好日子。

New albums Jinhai Wang, Med Music Wang have songs (Yi Jian Mei一剪梅;  Spring is here春天来了) about snow.

Bye Bye 2021, Welcome Happy New Year 2022

For the Beauty of the Earth 地球之美

For the Beauty of the Earth  Med Music Gospel (by Jinhai Wang)


1.  USA   Medals 113, Gold Medals 39

2.  China  Medals  88, Gold Medals 38

Medals top 3-10 are ROC 71,  Great Britain 65, Japan 58, Australia 46, Italy 40, Germany 37, Netherlands 36, France 33.

Gold top 3-10 are Japan 27, Great Britain 22, ROC 20, Australia 17, Netherlands 10, France 10, Germany 10, Italy 10.


Music is Great for Life

Medmusic LLC is great to bring happy, joy, or strong feeling songs/music to daily life.

Music is great for life. Great tenors Mario Lanza, Luciano Pavarotti (At the time he died in 2007, he had 4 daughters, one granddaughter, no son) were great. Tenor Jiang Dawei has  great tenor songs.

Medmusic LLC Founder, Tenor Jinhai Wang has great songs such as Younger Than Springtime, Nessun Dorma, La donna E mobile, Song of Peony, Crocus, Sui Xian Hua (Water angel flowers), Song of Grassland, You will never walk alone.


Jinhai Wang, M.D.

So far 260 millions Americans have had shot(s) of COVID vaccine (CDC). 98% adults have had a shot, or 78% of the population have had a shot of COVID vaccine. In 3 weeks, after those just got a shot getting their 2nd shot, the US HERD IMMUNITY will be in place.  The Immunity is strong in against common COVID-19, as well as UK VARIANT.

It is still good to wear a mask when shopping, which will protect you from SA variant as well as India variant.

Happy Mother’s Day

240 millions of Americans got covid vaccine 两亿四千万美国人已接种新冠疫苗

240 millions in USA have had a COVID vaccine shot (CDC), total of 72%. It soon will reach population immunity after all of the vaccinated got their 2nd shot. Hopefully we will have a good summer in USA.

Today is May 1st, a holiday for China. A lot of people travel there. It seems no big worry of COVID there.

Green Super Full Moon 超级绿色边满月


Photographer Jinhai Wang, M.D., in Maryland, USA

Lilith Fair
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