Archive for the ‘music and wellness’ Category

Med Music Wang (2020), A Great New Album

Med Music Wang (2020)


Song of Peony Med Music Wang 2:33
Sun in Heart Med Music Wang 3:09
Riding Horses to Protect Border Med Music Wang 2:45
Three Horses Carriage Med Music Wang 1:56
Spring Is Here Med Music Wang 1:40
Edelweiss Med Music Wang 2:30
On Hoping Land Med Music Wang 2:56
Walking on Ridge Med Music Wang 3:16

Five Major Factors of Longevity

Dr. Jinhai Wang

Life span varies. The factors affecting life span has been a major focus. I have had discussed those factors in my book “Scientific Introduction to Bible – the Design of Life” Jinhai Wang and DC Jubsal, 2013.12. Now through a live WeChat with 79Guangdong group Dr. Lushui, Dr. DendLaoZhongYi, China, I added AIR is a major factor as well.

Here is the new list:

1.  Genes

2. Food and drink

3. AIR:  O2, pollution, temperature

4. ACTIVITIES: move, social, music

5. ACCIDENTS:  infectious diseases, war, murders, car accidents

Happy Mother’s Day after

Med Music – Hits from Broadway

You will never walk alone

Some Enchanted Evening

Younger Than Springtime

Nessun Dorma

O Sole Mio

US covid-19 new cases: Hawaii was 0 one day before summer夏威夷零感染迎夏天

Dr. Jinhai Wang

Summer begins on May 5, 2020. Hawaii COVID-19 new case was zero on May 3, 2020. The COVID-19 Pandemic has ended in Hawaii夏威夷新冠病毒世界大流行结束.


Welcome summer web – concert 2020 Summer迎夏晚会

Tenor Jinhai Wang王晋海 男高音

COVID-19 Pandemic and Summer 新冠大流行将止于今年夏天

Dr. Jinhai Wang

世界新冠确诊数过百万,死亡  64703.  然而,热带的 南美, 墨西哥,大洋洲,和 非洲病例少很多(总计41000, 死亡1400),标示热天可大大降低新冠病毒的传播。 因此, 世界新冠病毒大流行将止于今年夏天。

中国大疫情已过, 喜乐生活。 美欧要宅家, 就不宅医院。静候夏季。口罩,TV, 音乐,网上棋牌等。



陈医师(纽约):有道理。新冠病例:中,美多,台,墨少; 纽约多, 加州少。我相信新冠病毒止于今年夏天后不会再来。

周医师: 热降低多种冬季病原的传播, 益于防治新冠病毒。

侯医师(广州):是的。 盼望夏天早点到来。

数字参考: 美网站, 百度。

Summer shall end COVID-19 Pandemic

Dr. Jinhai Wang

World cases of coronavirus passed 1 million with 64703 deaths. However, there are much less cases in warm weathered South America(23571,deaths 859), Mexican (1890, deaths 79), Australia (6889, deaths 40) and Africa (9232, deaths 403) while lots of cases and deaths in cold weathered EU (634830, deaths 47741) , North America (334104, deaths 9030), and Asia (136564, deaths 5206), indicates that hot days could dramatically reduce spreading of coronaviruses. Therefore, the COVID-19 PANDEMIC SHALL END IN THIS SUMMER.

Stay home, rather than have to stay in a hospital, and wait for summer! Wear masks!  Home fun with Med Music Wang, Crocus, Broadway, etc.

Number Ref: US webs; China Baidu webs.

Coronavirus and Summer: Will Coronavirus Pandemic end in Summer?

1918 pandemic flu took 15 months and ended in summer.

Swine pandemic flu ended in summer of 2009.

Will coronavirus pandemic end in this summer? Summer of this year starts on May 5, 2020, called LiXia立夏。 Protect youself and your family the best you can [stay home, stay home, music (Med Music Concerts, Med Music Wang Youtube, Crocus, Med Music Gospel, Broadway, Opera, Nessun Dorma,  Pop, Folk, Jazz, Country, etc.), home movies, internet Chess, Bridge, Cooking, etc] before the summer. It seems that summer may make a cut on the pandemic. With best controls from everyone, the pandemic may be controllable in the summer.

Jinhai Wang – Youtube

Tenor男高音 Jinhai Wang 王晋海 wish you to have good days, weeks at home to help against coronavirus in USA, China, and the world.

Great songs in English and Chinese. Listen to fight coronavirus pandemic!

Jinhai Wang – Youtube

Med Music Weekends

Great music at key times for great people!!! Stay home and enjoy!!! Stay home is against Coronavirus!!! Med Music Gospel Youtube

精美的音乐在难忘的时候带给你欢乐!!!宅家抗疫!!!Med Music Wang Youtube

A Time for Us  Jinhai Wang youtube

Med Music Web concert


US Coronavirus cases: 65000 with 938 deaths

NY CASES: 30811 with 285 deaths.


Protections to end Coronavirus Pandemic保护以结束新冠病毒大流行:

1. Stay home 宅家

2. Wear N95 masks 戴N95口罩

3. Wash hands, clean common surfaces with 75% alcohol, or 10% bleach 洗手,用75%酒精或10%漂白液清洗家具表面

4. 0.1% bleach mist spray clinics, public spaces, hospitals

5. Summer hot days: 2nd summer ended 1918 Flu Pandemic; Summer ended Swine Flu. 夏天:击败了1918流感大流行和2009猪流感。

6.  EFFECTIVE VACCINES: ON CLINICAL TRIALS in USA and in China 有效预苗:上了临床试验。

7. Drug treatment for infected persons 药物治疗已感染的病人


Wish you and your family good luck! Stay home fun music!

Lilith Fair
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