Archive for the ‘music and wellness’ Category

Med Music Wang, A Great New Album

早春盛开二月花 – 预计DC樱花将于三月中/底盛开

华府二月的温暖催开了二月花。2020华府的春天比以往早到。紫白金Crocus也已盛开, 那紫色, 橘黄色和白色的花儿格外的可爱。 在中国二月花有 山茶花,水仙花,迎春,瓜叶菊,帖梗海棠,马蹄莲。

樱花是华府的一大景观。每年为樱花何时开都费心。 樱花可能4月开, 也可能3月底开。 今年樱花提早于三月中盛开。
音乐奥林匹克刚发行了音乐光盘祝你早享春天的喜乐。该音乐光盘共有24首歌。见于乙型流感,和新冠肺炎, 多点宅内活动多点心安。据统计美国2020流感16000死亡, 280000住医院。
              jinhai wang youtube
Song Share Time Download
1. Moon Represents My Heart 月亮代表我的心
2. Tian Mi Mi 甜蜜蜜 Sweet Honey
3. Ye Lai Xiang 夜来香 Evening Primrose
4. Dream  梦
5. Met  相遇
6. A Time for Us 我们时空
7. Yi Jian Mei  一剪梅 A Rose
8. Red Peach Flowers and White Apricot Flowers (feat. Ennan Guan)
桃花红杏花白 管恩南
9. I Love My Nation’s Blue Sky 我爱祖国的蓝天
10. Love Me Tender 更温柔爱我
11. Sui Xian Hua 水仙花 (新歌) Water Angel Flower
12. All I Ask of You (feat. Huiju Chen) 倾心相爱  陈慧茹
13. Hai Yun 海韵 Sea Theme
14. Wei Fen XI Yu 微风细雨 Mild Wind Small Rain
15. Hua Er Wei Shen Me Zhe Yang Hong (Live) 花儿为什么这样红
Why Flowers are so Red
16. Bai Yu Lan 白玉兰 (新歌) White Jem Flower
17. I Could Have Danced All Night (feat. Ennan Guan)
2:20 $0.99
18. Song of Grassland 草原之歌 (新歌)
5:36 $1.29
19. Baseme Mucho 甜吻
3:31 $0.99
20. A Lovely Rose 可爱的一朵梅瑰花
21. Fly in Clouds  荡云海 (新曲)
22. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas 领略聖诞喜乐
23. April in New York (Live) 四月在纽约
24. Crocus (Live) 紫白金

Early Spring of 2020 Would be Very Good in Fighting Coronavirus早春有益早胜新冠病毒

In China, there are three warm/hot provinces that they did really well in controlling coronavirus infection, according to webs. Now Spring comes 3-4 weeks earlier in Washington DC Metro area. Early Spring will likely put any outbreaks of coronaviruses in end early. We disagree with the saying that coronaviruses will last years. It is current thought that coronaviruses will not pass this summer       目前认为新冠病毒不会过夏. – Dr. Jinhai Wang 王晋海


早春盛开二月花 – 预计樱花将于三月中盛开

华府二月的温暖催开了二月花。2020华府的春天比以往早到。紫白金Crocus也已盛开, 那紫色, 橘黄色和白色的花儿格外的可爱。 在中国二月花有 山茶花,水仙花,迎春,瓜叶菊,帖梗海棠,马蹄莲。

樱花是华府的一大景观。每年为樱花何时开都费心。 樱花可能4月开, 也可能3月底开。 预计今年樱花将提早于三月中盛开。
音乐奥林匹克刚发行了音乐光盘祝你早享春天的喜乐。该音乐光盘共有24首歌。见于乙型流感,和新冠肺炎, 多点宅内活动多点心安。据统计美国2020流感16000死亡, 280000住医院。
              jinhai wang youtube
Song Share Time Download
1. Moon Represents My Heart 月亮代表我的心
2. Tian Mi Mi 甜蜜蜜 Sweet Honey
3. Ye Lai Xiang 夜来香 Evening Primrose
4. Dream  梦
5. Met  相遇
6. A Time for Us 我们时空
7. Yi Jian Mei  一剪梅 A Rose
8. Red Peach Flowers and White Apricot Flowers (feat. Ennan Guan)
桃花红杏花白 管恩南
9. I Love My Nation’s Blue Sky 我爱祖国的蓝天
10. Love Me Tender 更温柔爱我
11. Sui Xian Hua 水仙花 (新歌) Water Angel Flower
12. All I Ask of You (feat. Huiju Chen) 倾心相爱  陈慧茹
13. Hai Yun 海韵 Sea Theme
14. Wei Fen XI Yu 微风细雨 Mild Wind Small Rain
15. Hua Er Wei Shen Me Zhe Yang Hong (Live) 花儿为什么这样红
Why Flowers are so Red
16. Bai Yu Lan 白玉兰 (新歌) White Jem Flower
17. I Could Have Danced All Night (feat. Ennan Guan)
18. Song of Grassland 草原之歌 (新歌)
19. Baseme Mucho 甜吻
20. A Lovely Rose 可爱的一朵梅瑰花
21. Fly in Clouds  荡云海 (新曲)
22. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas 领略聖诞喜乐
23. April in New York (Live) 四月在纽约
24. Crocus (Live) 紫白金

Med Music Wang Youtube

Med Music Wang Youtube link

Med Music Wang

by Jinhai Wang 王晋海

Best of 60s, 80s and 2010s Pop and Folk songs of all time in a rich, magnetic man’s voice of Jinhai Wang 王晋海 and beautiful ladies’ voices.
Genre: Pop: 80′s Pop
Release Date: 2020

Download $9.99

Preview all songs
Song Share Time Download
1. Moon Represents My Heart
月亮代表我的心  Jinhai Wang
3:21 $0.99
2. Tian Mi Mi 甜蜜蜜  王晋海
Sweet Honey    Jinhai Wang
2:41 $0.99
3. Ye Lai Xiang 夜来香
Evening Primrose    – Jinhai Wang
3:16 $0.99
4. Dream  梦   - Jinhai Wang
1:32 $1.29
5. Met  相遇   -Jinhai Wang
1:42 $1.29
6. A Time for Us 我们时空    – Jinhai Wang
3:16 $0.99
7. Yi Jian Mei  一剪梅 A Rose       -Jinhai Wang
3:28 $0.99
8. Red Peach Flowers and White Apricot Flowers
(feat. Ennan Guan) 桃花红杏花白 管恩南
3:37 $0.99
9. I Love My Nation’s Blue Sky
我爱祖国的蓝天   - Jinhai Wang
2:43 $0.99
10. Love Me Tender 更温柔爱我    – Jinhai Wang
2:42 $0.99
11. Sui Xian Hua 水仙花 (新歌)
Water Angel Flower  – Jinhai Wang
1:49 $1.29
12. All I Ask of You (feat. Huiju Chen)
倾心相爱 – 陈慧茹, Jinhai Wang
3:35 $0.99
13. Hai Yun 海韵 Sea Theme   - Jinhai Wang
3:00 $0.99
14. Wei Fen XI Yu 微风细雨
Mild Wind Small Rain   - Jinhai Wang
2:00 $0.99
15. Hua Er Wei Shen Me Zhe Yang Hong (Live)
Why Flowers are so Red  -  Jinhai Wang
2:16 $0.99
16. Bai Yu Lan 白玉兰 (新歌)
White Jem Flower   - Jinhai Wang
4:11 $1.29
17. I Could Have Danced All Night (feat. Ennan Guan)
2:20 $0.99
18. Song of Grassland 草原之歌 (新歌)  – Jinhai Wang
5:36 $1.29
19. Baseme Mucho 甜吻   - Jinhai Wang
3:31 $0.99
20. A Lovely Rose 可爱的一朵梅瑰花   - Jinhai Wang
2:24 $0.99
21. Fly in Clouds  荡云海 (新曲) – Jinhai Wang
10:12 $0.99
22. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
领略聖诞喜乐  – Jinhai Wang
4:05 $0.99
23. April in New York (Live)
四月在纽约   - Jinhai Wang
2:24 $0.99
24. Crocus (Live) 紫白金    – Jinhai Wang 王晋海
3:47 $0.99

Great New Album – Med Music Wang with 24 lovely songs is released

Med Music Wang

a great new album with 24 wonderful songs(24 首中英文歌), is just released(刚发行) on CD Baby. Here is the link of this great album  Med Music Wang. These great songs are mostly by great tenor Jinhai Wang王晋海, 有好几首新歌 (白玉兰; 草原之歌;水仙花; 紫白金等). Great songs are also from lovely soprano Ennan Guan管恩南. A great duet All I Ask of You is from DMA soprano Huiju Chen陈慧茹, she is currently located in Taiwan, and Jinhai Wang.  The song titles are in English or Pinyin歌名是英文或拼音。钢琴伴奏是原上海交响乐团钢琴独奏家陆三庆和著名演奏家郭宇宁和陈慧茹。著名男高音王晋海非常喜爱邓丽君歌曲,在此祝所有歌迷及邓丽君歌迷节日快乐,新的一年顺意。特鸣谢声乐教育家华府何玲玲老师Thanks to Vocal Educator Washington teacher He Lingling,北京中国第一代著名男中音王景宜老师。向所有华府, 纽约, 美国, 北京, 广州, 西安,中国(大陆, 香港, 台湾), 及世界各地的支持者和热爱者问好Happy Spring Festival to Washington, New York, USA, Beijing, Guangzhou, Xian, China (Mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan), and fans/people around the world。


祝新春快乐, 新年万事顺意!!!

Beautiful Full Cloudbow near New Year

Today 2019-12-28 a full cloudbows were shining on sky at 1 p.m.:

a big cloudbow at 12, one each cloudbow at 9 a.m.  and 3 p.m. position, short distanced from Sun. No rain today.

Wish a Happy New Year to you!


Crocus by Jinhai Wang


Cloudbow for Christmas

Christmas day was a nice day at 50 F. In the Christmas afternoon, there was a double cloudbows shining in the sky.  The first one was closer to Sun, much brighter and colored. The second bow was little more distanced from Sun, bigger and with full rainbow colors.

Merry Christmas!!!

We and Our new song ” Cloudbow “彩云虹 wish you

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

And Happy Lunar New Year/Spring Festival春节!

Med Music Gospel 医乐聖歌by Jinhai Wang王晋海

Best Christmas Songs, Great Holiday Gifts

Med Music Gospel


Great Med Music for Holiday Seasons

Great holiday music from Best tenor Med Music:

Med Music Gospel


Crocus (Gospel)
Amazing Grace
Ave Maria
Silent Night
Moon River
Contique De Noel
I Sing the Mighty Power of God
For the Beauty of the Earth
Joy to the World
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
  • Released: Nov 18, 2016
  • ℗ 2016 SJ Med Music Corporation


Baiyulan白玉兰 WhiteJemBlue

白玉兰Baiyulan is a beautiful flower with great scent as singing in song

                          Baiyulan 白玉兰

            by tenor  Jinhai Wang




白玉兰baiyulan  WHITE 白JEM玉BLUE兰

Baiyulan & Melihua 白玉兰 & 茉莉花

白玉兰Baiyulan is 1) a beautiful flower with great scent; 2) a great song from Jinhai Wang王晋海.

茉莉花 Jasmine is a pretty flower with very nice scent. There is a famous song called 茉莉花。 最著名的这首歌来自中国最著名的女高音歌唱家。

           彭丽媛    —    茉莉花             Jasmine

                                                     Jasmine      茉莉花   —  宋祖英



白玉兰baiyulan  WHITE JEM BLUE

Lilith Fair
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