Archive for the ‘Super-Joy Med Music’ Category

Med Music Gospel: Great Holidays and Christmas songs

Med Music Gospel

Crocus (Gospel)
Amazing Grace
Ave Maria
Silent Night
Moon River
Contique De Noel
I Sing the Mighty Power of God
For the Beauty of the Earth
Joy to the World
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Crocus Gospel is a new song!!!
Cloudbow is a new song!!!

Med Music Wang & the Lady Singers: Flowers & Love

   Water angel flowers is a new song!!!
   Song of Grassland is a new song!!!
   Sleeping Pill: Met  is a new song!!!
   Sleeping Pill: Dream is a new song!!!

Song Zuying is a Famous Singer

宋祖英是中国歌坛上的一棵常青树,最著名的歌唱家之一, 观众最喜爱的歌唱家之一。 她于2006年华府Kennedy举办独唱音乐会。 音乐会是中美友谊的胜会。伴奏,助合唱, 助对唱均为美方。一曲《孟姜女》让我想起孟姜女踩的望夫石. 茉莉花的清香味也特别浓。《龙船调》也真想帮着推一把。

宋祖英有许多好听的歌。 “美丽的心情”是我听的最多的。 心情不好, 希望有美丽的心情; 心情好, 希望保持美丽的心情。《十八湾水路到我家》,《小背篓》,《深圳湾》,《辣妹子》等都好听。

新碟<Flowers & Love>《花儿与爱情》发行了男生小背篓,男生和女生一样爱妈妈。希望男生的甜蜜蜜月亮代表我的心水仙花草原之歌让女士有美丽的心情。Med Music Gospel 医乐圣歌祝你感恩节和圣诞节喜乐。


医乐 王晋海 Med Music Jinhai Wang 于大华府

草原之歌 Song of Grassland歌词 lyrics

New Song “草原之歌”

词曲:王晋海 Jinhai Wang


茫茫的草原, 可爱的家乡。
















草原之歌 Song of Grassland

Jinhai Wang, M.D., Tenor, Founder, Music Olympics, Inc., and Super-Joy Med Music Corporation

Music and Album list of Tenor Jinhai Wang [Art name Med Music (since 2012), Med Music Wang, located at Maryland, Washington Metro Area]:


2012,   优胜美国天才秀(NBC American Got Talent)大华府赛区 (全美共6个赛区)。

2012,发行video “A Time For Us”

2015,   发行唱片 《Med Music》

《Med Music Classical》

《Med Music World》

2016,  “Best of Pavarotti & Lanza” Solo Concert, Olney Theatre, MD

2016, 发行唱片 《Med Music – Hits from Broadway》


《Med Music Best Pop》包括2016完美版”Nessun Dorma”

《Med Music World 2》

《Med Music Gospel》

2017, 医乐情歌劲曲音乐会,Merkin Concert Hall,NYC,  由NY艺术中心著名女高音,原国家一级演唱家陈旻协办

2017,    发行唱片 《Med Music – Fly in Sky》


发行单曲 《Riding on the World Ridge》钢鼓

2018, 发行唱片 《Med Music Wang & the Lady Singers : Flowers & Love》 ft  女高音管恩南,和著名女高音 陈慧茹音乐博士。

鸣谢钢琴家陈慧茹,石誼琳,著名钢琴家Aglaya Koras, 郭宇宁,路三庆,鼓乐家朱杰。

鸣谢著名音乐教育家何玲玲(大华府),陈慧茹(大华府;现台湾),和著名音乐教育家 王景宜(北京)。

New Album “Med Music Wang & the Lady Singers: Flowers & Love”

音乐奥林匹克发行新唱片《花儿与爱情》 Music Olympics new release <Flowers & Love>

花儿是人们最喜爱的Flowers are good people’s best love。 花儿经常和爱情分不开Flowers and love often links。 世界有许许多多美丽的花There are a lot of different flowers in good people’s world。 你一定听过歌唱花儿的歌You must have listened to songs of singing flowers。 茉莉花 和 Edelweiss 是两首著名的歌唱花儿的歌Jasmine and Edelweiss are two of the most famous such songs。 《花儿与爱情》是第一次将著名男女高音歌唱家famous tenor and sopranos歌唱花儿和爱情的歌集于一碟。此金蝶有男高音医乐王晋海的”一剪梅”, 女高音管恩南Soprano Ennan Guan的”桃花红杏花白“ 和 ”I could have danced all night”; 有女高音陈慧茹Soprano Hui-Ju Chen(来自China台湾Taiwan的马里兰大学音乐博士University of Maryland DMA),和 医乐男高音王晋海 Med Music Tenor Wang (Jinhai) 的二重唱“All I ask of you”. 医乐王晋海 Med Music jinhai Wang 还为你演唱了多首花儿与爱情的歌曲。碟中有两首任菲词, 王晋海曲的新歌”相遇“ 和”梦“, 由王晋海清唱, 祝你天天有好梦There are two new songs “Met” & “Dream”, words by Ren Fei, music by Jinhai Wang, and sang by Jinhai Wang。碟中还有两首新歌,”草原之歌“和”水仙花“, 由王晋海词曲并演唱 There are two other new songs “Song of Grassland” & “Water Angel Flowers”, words, music, and sang by Jinhai Wang。全碟共18金曲First time 18 flowers and love songs in one album,由著名钢琴家Famous pianists 陈慧茹Hui-Ju Chen,郭宇宁 Yunin Guo, 陆三庆Sanqing Lu(原上海Shanghai交响乐团独奏演员)伴奏。  曲目如下:
1.  草原之歌 Song of Grassland
2.  海韵 Ocean Theme
3.  桃花红杏花白 Red Peach Flowers & White Apricot Flowers
4.  Love me tender 温柔的爱我
5.  草原上升起不落的太阳 Sun Shines on Grassland Forever
6.  I could have danced all night 我可跳一夜舞
7. 水仙花 Angel Flower
8. 月亮代表我的心 Moon Represents My Heart
9. 一剪梅 Early Winter Rose
10. 荡云海 Fly in Clouds
11. 小背篓 Little Back Basket
12. A Time for Us 我们的时代
13. 甜蜜蜜 Sweet Honey
14. All I Ask of You (Duet) 我对你的期盼
15. 可爱的一朵梅瑰花 A Lovely Rose
16. Besame Mucho (Sweet kisses) 甜吻
17. 相遇 Sleeping Pill – Met
18. 梦 Sleeping Pill – Dream

Med Music Song of Grassland, a novel Rock-kind Guitar music from Med Music Jinhai Wang in the last day of 2017

Med Music Song of Grassland

Singer/songwriter: Jinhai Wang (Med Music)

1.  Song of Grassland

2. You will never walk alone

3. Theme of Ocean

4. Hong Kong by Night

5. O Sole Mio

6. Hong Kong by Night

7. A Bundle of Cutting Rose

Album brief:  Med Music Song of Grassland is a new album from Tenor/Songwriter Jinhai Wang. This is the first ever album with a free style of Guitar playing, and rocked with melody. Therefore, Jinhai WANG names it Rock-kind Guitar music. Single 1, 2, 3, and 4 Guitar by Jinhai Wang. Great Piano Guo for single 6 and 7 piano music. Great Piano Koras played single 5 piano music.

Merry Christmas from Med Music Jinhai Wang, Founder of Super-Joy Med Music Corporation, and Music Olympics, Inc

Hi, Everyone,

Have a great Christmas Day!

I am Med Music Jinhai Wang, or Dr. Jinhai Wang. I was from China, and stayed in USA since 1990, now a citizen. I am a singer/songwriter/producer. I am the founder of Super-Joy Med Music Corporation, Maryland, USA. As a counter tenor at the level of Lanza and Pavarotti, I am so glad that I can let my fans have chances to listen to live singing of these great top songs that were once only can be performed live by Lanza, or Pavarotti. Now I have  albums released in USA and the world. These albums have great golden songs include great gospel songs of old and new by a golden male voice of mine, counter tenor Dr. Jinhai Wang. Myself (Dr. Jinhai Wang) has all the copyrights of all my tracks. All copyrights are with myself. Any violation of copyrights will subject to fines by copyright office of USA according to copyright law of USA and copyright treaty of the World. Fines upto $250,000 will be fined for each violence of  any my copyrights, as the same to other copyright owners. To me, anyone who reports one violation of any my copyrights will be rewarded for 10% of the fine after I have had received the fine from the Copyright Office.

My albums include:

Med Music

Med Music Classical

Med Music World

Med Music – Hits from Broadway


Med Music Best Pop

Med Music Gospel

Med Music Fly In Sky (two Rock Piano music)

Riding on the World Ridge, Med Music (Rock Steal Drum music)

The book list of myself Dr. Jinhai Wang on Amazon is the following:

Music and Human Health, 2010. Jin H Wang (Pen name of Jinhai Wang)

DPS – Disaster Prevention Strategies. 2011. Jinhai Wang and DC Jubsal.

Scientific Introduction to Bible – the Design of Life. 2013.12. Jinhai Wang (Kindle eBook and Paperback)

Scientific Introduction to Bible – the Grand Design of Life. 2016. Jinhai Wang


Scientific Introduction to bible – Grand Design of Life and World. 2017.2. Jinhai Wang (Kindle ebook and paperback).

(圣经的科学引言 – 生命和世界的宏大构建。 2017.  王晋海)

Med Music Crocus Globe Tour 2018-2019 by Counter Tenor Jinhai Wang: Best of Lanza/Pavarotti and Sappy Songs

Washington DC metr0 (2016)

NYC (2017)

Other big cities around the World in Asia (Beijing, et al), EU, America. The touring cities will be released during Jan-Feb., 2018.




Med Music Gospel – New Album from Super-Joy Med Music Jinhai Wang

Med Music Gospel , a great new album, is now available at iTunes, Google Play, and more.

Med Music Best Pop

Med Music Best Pop is a great album just released worldwide by iTunes, Google Play, so on by SJ Med Music Corporation via Tunecore on Sept. 28, 2016. It contains 18 wonderful songs by our songwriter/singer Jinhai Wang (Art name Med Music), a Pavarotti style crossover tenor. Thanks to our great pianists Yuning Guo, Shanqing Lu, Aglaia Koras, Yiling Shi.


Med Music Best Pop

Jinhai Wang

Open iTunes to preview, buy, and download music.

Name Artist Time Price

Crocus Jinhai Wang 3:38 $0.99 View in iTunes

You’ll Never Walk Alone Jinhai Wang 1:23 $0.99 View in iTunes

Silent Night Jinhai Wang 3:33 $0.99 View in iTunes

Cloudbow Jinhai Wang 3:21 $0.99 View in iTunes

Come Prima Jinhai Wang 2:33 $0.99 View in iTunes

Because You Are Mine Jinhai Wang 2:46 $0.99 View in iTunes

My Lovely Valentine Jinhai Wang 2:26 $0.99 View in iTunes

On the Street Where You Live Jinhai Wang 2:17 $0.99 View in iTunes

Danny Boy Jinhai Wang 3:05 $0.99 View in iTunes

Autumn Leaves Jinhai Wang 2:29 $0.99 View in iTunes

La Donna E Mobile Jinhai Wang 2:04 $0.99 View in iTunes

Because Jinhai Wang 2:24 $0.99 View in iTunes

O Sole Mio Jinhai Wang 2:37 $0.99 View in iTunes

Some Enchanted Evening Jinhai Wang 3:15 $0.99 View in iTunes

Softly as in Morning Sunrise Jinhai Wang 3:19 $0.99 View in iTunes

Younger Than Springtime Jinhai Wang 3:25 $0.99 View in iTunes

Nessun Dorma Jinhai Wang 2:48 $0.99 View in iTunes

Party at the Beach Jinhai Wang 2:04 $0.99 View in iTunes
18 Songs

Top Albums and Songs by Jinhai Wang

Med Music Best Pop, Jinhai Wang

View in iTunes

Lilith Fair
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