Archive for the ‘SJ Med Music’ Category

Summer is anti-COVID-19夏天抗新冠病毒

Dr. Jinhai Wang 王晋海M.D.

Current death rate for USA is 71921/1.23M=6%. However, Miami was so hot, and has a low current death rate of 302/11570=2.7%. 全美死亡率6%。 迈阿蜜仅2.7%。

Tropic nations in large have very low rates of infection. Cold places like EU have a lot of infections and deaths.热带国家感染死亡低。冷的欧洲感染死亡高。

It is suggested here that beaches should be open (but keep 2 meters distance) when the weather reach 90F. Swimming pool should be open as well when weather reach 85F. Just open pools, not gyms. 天热后应开放海滩, 游泳池。

Summer against COVID-19 in two fronts: Less infection; low death rate if infected.夏天双项抗新冠:低感染,低死亡率

US covid-19 new cases: Hawaii was 0 one day before summer夏威夷零感染迎夏天

Dr. Jinhai Wang

Summer begins on May 5, 2020. Hawaii COVID-19 new case was zero on May 3, 2020. The COVID-19 Pandemic has ended in Hawaii夏威夷新冠病毒世界大流行结束.


Welcome summer web – concert 2020 Summer迎夏晚会

Tenor Jinhai Wang王晋海 男高音

COVID-19: WORLD CASES 3 Millions with 208000 Deaths, Current Death Rate Near 7%

Nations                           Cases                      Deaths             Current death rate

US                                  993103                      55729                                5.5%

France                           125000                     22800                               18%

Italy                                199000                    26977                                13.5%

UK                                  153000                     21092                               14%

Spain                             220000                    23521                                10%

Belgium                           46687                       7207                               15%

Brazil                               63584                       4300                                 7%

Germany                        158154                       6006                                 4%

Turkey                            112261                       2900                                 2.6%

Russia                              87147                         794                                    1%

Canada                            47356                       2617                                   5.5%

Anti-COVID-19 Antibodies are not Suitable Markers for Early Diagnosis

Jinhai Wang, M.D., Virologist, Immunologist

Due to the fast progress of coronavirus infection in the acute phase, early diagnosis is paramount. It has been reported that antibodies (IgM, IgG) to COVID-19 only detectable 11, or 12 days later in most patients after infection. Therefore, acute COVID-19 infections would be wrongly diagnosed and not be treated on time.

CONCLUSION:  Anti-COVID-19 antibodies are not suitable markers for acute phase or early diagnosis of coronavirus infection. These anti-COVID-19 antibody assays may be good for vaccine development, assessing immune status to coronavirus.

Hawaii and Puerto Rico: Leading in ending COVID-19 Pandemic in USA

Dr. Jinhai Wang, Virologist, Immunologist

Hawaii and Puerto Rico are tropic areas of USA. These two areas like sensors of USA upon summer effects on COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Puerto Rico new infection peaked on April 10 with 110 infections, yesterday down to 50. For April 13 to April 18, total 200 new infections, or average 40 new infections/day. Hawaii new infection peaked on March 31 with 30 infections, and now 21 new cases in April 18. For the past week, total new infections were 95. Therefore, USA tropic zone leads the way of ending COVID-19 Pandemic this summer.

From the standing point of COVID-19 vaccine, for anti-COVID-19 IgG has been used as diagnosis tools, with more than 90% been positive for anti-COVID-19 IgM/IgG post infection, inactive vaccines certainly would be an effective vaccine.

Chinese New Year 春节 Spring Festival 中国年 华人新年 农历新年 Lunar New Year

Chinese New Year

春节  Spring Festival



农历新年 Lunar New Year


猪年 猪朱 猪朱年!

猪祝 猪朱 猪祝年!!

猪朱 猪祝 朱朱年!!!


Great Author Jin Yong

CNN 报道中国武侠小说大师金庸去世, 享年94岁 Chinese martial arts novel grandmaster Louis Cha, better known by his pen name Jin Yong, has died at the age of 94. 金庸是一位伟大的作家, 也是一位伟大的思想家。
金庸作品的销量超过Harry Potter. He is said to have sold more books than Harry Potter author J K Rowling.
金庸的弟子遍中国, 海外。 阿里巴巴的马云是最有名的弟子。

读的第一部金庸的作品是“书剑恩仇录”, 那是1980年。书中有一段还记的:香香公主不但在花瓣池水中沐浴,而且常食用鲜花。陈总舵主在兵荒马乱中恰于花瓣池水中遇见沐浴的香香公主。两人爱的轰轰烈烈。

王晋海 Jinhai Wang,1)光碟《Med Music Wang & the Lady Singers: Flowers & Love》《Med Music Gospel》Google Play, Amazon. 2)作者,“圣经的科学引言-生命和世界的大设计” “Scientific Introduction to Bible – Grand Design of Life and World”.

Childhood of Adam and Eva ? Dr.Jinhai Wang

Many have read Bible many many times and some for more than decades. Has anyone seen Adam and Eva in their early childhood? Anyway, no one ever fed them, because there was no such need for both of them. They both could walk and pick up fruits in the garden. Therefore, they certainly did not have early childhood, though we did not no whether they could make baby right at the early time of the garden. A real presidents’ day fun!

Which one first, Eggs or chicken? Certainly chicken first

Dr. Jinhai Wang

It has long be debated whether eggs first, or chicken first internationally. Since as we stated in THE NEW BOOK “Scientific Introduction to Bible – the Grand Design of Life and World” by Dr. Jinhai Wang, all life were designed and created at the first place, so you would not make eggs, then fed them and waited them to grow.  You rather create the chicken, let them lay eggs, THEN grow little baby chicken. Otherwise the creator had to serve as the chicken mother to take care all the baby chicken. Believe or not?

Lilith Fair
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