Archive for the ‘Grand Design of Life and World’ Category

Sun rising point to a given place/point on earth may vary in four seasons- From USA, MD

Dr. Jinhai Wang

It was thought that sun always rises from the same spot. Over multiple seasons observations over several years, it is clear that Sun rise point to a given point on earth could vary some during different seasons of a year.


By theory, these observations reason well.

Earth self-rotates about 90 minutes faster than 40 years ago? – From China Summer Palace Qinhuangdao

Dr. Jinhai Wang


It was a surprise that the sky was already white-grey-blue at 4:30 in the morning in Qinhuangdao City, HeBei, China in 2018.6, 2019.5. In 1975-1979 it was still dark at 6:00 am at the same city.  The data, though 40 years apart, indicate that earth rotated 2 minutes faster each year during these last 40 years. Is this a big problem down the road or not? When speed goes up to a level, things could be spin-off, in theory.


Heat Wave Readiness 抗高温方略

王晋海医师 Dr. jinhai Wang


Heat wave could cause heatstroke, death. Options of readiness: 1) AC; 2) BEACH; 3)COLD AREA TRAVEL.


热浪可致热休克, 死亡。

抗热方略: 1) 室内空调; 2)冰, 冷水;3)海边, 湖边, 河边; 4)由热带到温带, 由温带到阿拉斯加, 北欧, 苏联, 东北, 秦皇岛等凉的地方旎行。

Avoid direct sunshine.

避开阳光直接照射。夜晚小心墙, 阁楼散热。

有心,血管, 脑病的更应小心。

如有可疑病人, 紧急就近送医院救治,可同时路上冰降温。

紧急咨询打240-688-5135, 接收VISA. 生意, 生产,生活, 生命,疑难诸务。

Baiyulan白玉兰 WhiteJemBlue

白玉兰Baiyulan is a beautiful flower with great scent as singing in song

                          Baiyulan 白玉兰

            by tenor  Jinhai Wang




白玉兰baiyulan  WHITE 白JEM玉BLUE兰

Baiyulan & Melihua 白玉兰 & 茉莉花

白玉兰Baiyulan is 1) a beautiful flower with great scent; 2) a great song from Jinhai Wang王晋海.

茉莉花 Jasmine is a pretty flower with very nice scent. There is a famous song called 茉莉花。 最著名的这首歌来自中国最著名的女高音歌唱家。

           彭丽媛    —    茉莉花             Jasmine

                                                     Jasmine      茉莉花   —  宋祖英



白玉兰baiyulan  WHITE JEM BLUE

Sex Selectivity of Eggs to Sperms

Dr. Jinhai Wang and Dr. Ennan Guan


Some times we say a family has 5 flowers because the family has five girls. Some times 3, or 4 girls. There was a very famous Chinese movie (5 Golden Flowers) in the 1950s. Why is that?

Now the data suggest that moms of those families with 5, 4, or 3 girls should have selectivity toward X-chromosome sperms on each occasion.

Interestingly, new data indicate that the eggs of those girls reversely select sperms of Y chromosome, because their children are mostly boys.


It is unclear now that how the girls eggs reversed sex selectivity of their mom’s eggs toward X-chromosome sperms of their dad, and gain ability to toward Y-chromosome sperms of her own husband.


Our novel data indicate that there are selecting systems on human eggs and on human sperms in gentle determination in certain families.

It is likely that in most situations, the random model may need give place to the new model with duo-sex selectivity systems on eggs or sperms.

Data kept undisclosed for this large family of three generations.




Dr. Jinhai Wang first visit of Lincoln Hall in April 16, 1990.





AA Museum is a note for this day!!

Politics vs economy: which is dominate?

经典社会经济学:  经济基础决定上层建筑。 当资本经济和社会主义上层建筑?


如何有效地保护生产力? 保持一定的国有资本, 一定的私有企业, 也许是走有中国特色的社会主义的特色。


Lilith Fair
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