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Nations with high death rates for COVID-19 新冠病毒高死亡率国家

Dr. Jinhai Wang

Cases                                  Deaths                               Current death rate

France                           82048                                  10869                                        13.25%

Italy                              139422                                   17669                                         12.7%

UK                                  60733                                     7097                                         11.68%

Netherlands                 20549                                     2248                                         10.9%

Spain                           146690                                     14673                                        10%

Belgium                        23403                                      2240                                          9.57%

Iran                              67286                                        4003                                         5.9%

World                       1475976                                      86979                                         5.89%

China                           81802                                         3333                                        4.1% (close to Final)

Switzerland                23254                                           893                                        3.8%

US                               422350                                         14257                                     3.4%

Turkey                         38226                                           812                                        2.12%

Germany                     111406                                         2177                                        1.9%

Comment:    Cold weather, color, or virus itself may be factors related to high death rate of COVID-19 infection in these nations.

Very Law Death Rate (Deaths/Million Pop) for Coronavirus in Tropic Nations 热带国家地区新冠每百万人口死亡率很低

Brazil巴西            3/M POP

Australia 噢大利亚     2/M POP

Chile  智利            2/M POP

India     印度        0.1/M POP

Malaysia  马来西亚    2/M POP

Pakistan 巴基斯坦      0.3/M POP

Ecuador                  12/M POP

Philipines  菲律滨  2/M POP

Indonesia      0.9/M POP

Thailand  泰国      0.4/M POP

Columbia                   1/M POP

Panama                    14/M POP

Singapore   新加坡    1/M POP

Egypt              0.9/M POP

Costa Rica     0.4/M POP

Cuba      古巴          1/M POP

Taiwan            0.2/M POP

Vietnam   越南       0

Whereas EU and US have very high death rate per millions:

NY 纽约州             280/M POP

NJ 新泽西州          139/M POP

Italy  意大利          283/M POP

Spain   西班牙       311/M POP

France  法国     158/M POP

Home, Home, Home, Masks, Masks, Masks

Protect yourself, protect your family. Stay home, stay home, and stay home! Mask, mask, and mask!

Summer Effects On Coronavirus Cases and Deaths in 5 US States

Q&A by Dr. Jinhai Wang

Q: As regarding to summer effects on COVID-19 pandemic, Lady Dr. Zhen (CA) questioned that FL has a lot of cases. She thinks that protection of people is very important.

A: The best is to isolate positive persons, observe close contacts, and people stay home to protect themselves.

As regard to FL, pandemic has two measures, cases and deaths:

Warm states

FL     cases  590/million pop          deaths   11/million pop          No stay home asked, lots of old people

TX                 244/M  POP                                 5/M POP

CA                 358/M POP                                  8/M POP


Cold States

NY             6220/M POP                               212/M POP

NJ              4223/M POP                              103/M POP

Conclusion: The death rates in warm states are much less than that of cold states.  Therefore, summer hot days will likely end COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 Pandemic and Summer 新冠大流行将止于今年夏天

Dr. Jinhai Wang

世界新冠确诊数过百万,死亡  64703.  然而,热带的 南美, 墨西哥,大洋洲,和 非洲病例少很多(总计41000, 死亡1400),标示热天可大大降低新冠病毒的传播。 因此, 世界新冠病毒大流行将止于今年夏天。

中国大疫情已过, 喜乐生活。 美欧要宅家, 就不宅医院。静候夏季。口罩,TV, 音乐,网上棋牌等。



陈医师(纽约):有道理。新冠病例:中,美多,台,墨少; 纽约多, 加州少。我相信新冠病毒止于今年夏天后不会再来。

周医师: 热降低多种冬季病原的传播, 益于防治新冠病毒。

侯医师(广州):是的。 盼望夏天早点到来。

数字参考: 美网站, 百度。

Summer shall end COVID-19 Pandemic

Dr. Jinhai Wang

World cases of coronavirus passed 1 million with 64703 deaths. However, there are much less cases in warm weathered South America(23571,deaths 859), Mexican (1890, deaths 79), Australia (6889, deaths 40) and Africa (9232, deaths 403) while lots of cases and deaths in cold weathered EU (634830, deaths 47741) , North America (334104, deaths 9030), and Asia (136564, deaths 5206), indicates that hot days could dramatically reduce spreading of coronaviruses. Therefore, the COVID-19 PANDEMIC SHALL END IN THIS SUMMER.

Stay home, rather than have to stay in a hospital, and wait for summer! Wear masks!  Home fun with Med Music Wang, Crocus, Broadway, etc.

Number Ref: US webs; China Baidu webs.

US Coronavirus Cases: 311,000 with 8452 Deaths

US coronavirus cases top 300,000 Saturday, April 4, 2020. Total deaths from COVID-19 in US is 8452. It is badly needed that those selected drugs (hydrochloriquine, Azithromycin, etc) may reduce deaths.

Coronavirus and Summer: Will Coronavirus Pandemic end in Summer?

1918 pandemic flu took 15 months and ended in summer.

Swine pandemic flu ended in summer of 2009.

Will coronavirus pandemic end in this summer? Summer of this year starts on May 5, 2020, called LiXia立夏。 Protect youself and your family the best you can [stay home, stay home, music (Med Music Concerts, Med Music Wang Youtube, Crocus, Med Music Gospel, Broadway, Opera, Nessun Dorma,  Pop, Folk, Jazz, Country, etc.), home movies, internet Chess, Bridge, Cooking, etc] before the summer. It seems that summer may make a cut on the pandemic. With best controls from everyone, the pandemic may be controllable in the summer.

US Coronavirus Cases: 30,000 one day, total 273,000

US coronavirus cases were up 30,000 in one day Friday, April 3, 2020, to 273,000 total with deaths over 7,000.

In order  to control this national-demic, isolation of coronavirus positive persons and observation of close contacts are needed.


To the Coronavirus Task Force: Isolating all Coronavirus Positive Persons in Convention Centers

Isolating every positive person is




The biggest secret of China’s success in fighting coronavirus!

Lilith Fair
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