Archive for the ‘DPS-Disaster Prevention Strategies’ Category

Diet Reduction failed to increase the life-span of monkey

It offers a hope when reduction of food prolonged the survival of mice years ago. However, a new study published on Nature reported that food reduction did not do the same in monkey. These facts make the outlook not very hopeful because humans are more close to monkey genetically.  The bright side is that food reduction made monkey healthier. As we all know obesity associates with many health issues, even shorter of life.

Staphylococcus aureus causes more deaths than that of HIV-1, Hepatitis, and Influenza combined

S. aureus is a gram-positive bacteria. It causes repeated infections in patients and healthy individuals. A study just published on Scientific Reports of indicates that S. aureus may disable the host adaptive immunity. There are no licensed S. aureus vaccines. This study may be helpful for developing an effective preventive vaccine.

Breast Cancer Biopsy and Surgical Treatment the Same Day?

Some data show that it could take 10-15 years for an observable tumor to form. It is clear to cancer researchers that the original tumor could persist for years without metastasis. However, once the tumor spreaded, they grew really fast. The risk of needle biopsies is that it may break the possible body shield around the original tumor, and seed tumor cells along the track of biopsy needle, if you wait for 7 days, there will be 7 days’ chance of blood seeding of these tumor cells either from the needle track or from the “shield-breaked” original tumor.


Breast Cancer Risk Factors

Med Music – Regulator of 7 Feelings and 6 Desires?

Med Music – SJ Med Music

Med Music is a type of music that has health benefits and promote human happiness through the positive impact of music on human feeling, confidence, or mood. In theory, Med Music could bring calm, hope, or confidence back to people, take away stress or low mood, even stress induced headache. There are great music in our life as reported in a book Music and Human Health and multiple websites, and  some of the music can promote our happiness.

Med Music is a music group of Super Joy Med Music, or SJ Med Music, and will promote and make Med Music for human happiness.

Happy Father’s Day and Thanks to God

Happy Father’s Day to every father!

Many thanks to our Founding Fathers!

Many thanks to our God, the father of human, if you believe, luckily.

As one nation under God, today is a great day to US.

It is a great day to fathers in every nation in the world.

Have a great Happy father’s day everyone!

Great day, great greedings, great music!

plus, our new songs for a happier summer is coming soon!

Smoking Gene and Lung Cancer – SJ Med Music

In  US, 90% lung cancers were caused by smoking. It’s estimated that the incidence of lung cancer is 200,000 each year and 150,000 deaths were caused by lung cancer each year. Some died after 30 year smoking, but others lives to 80 or 90 years fine.  It seems that smoking gene may related to smoking addiction, but another gene(s) may coplay with the smoking gene to induce lung cancer. It’s interesting to know among heavy smokers what percent will  develop lung cancer, or the individual smoking- lung cancer risk.

2012 Miss USA Winner Olivia Culpo – SJ Med Music

61st Miss USA competition was held in Las Vegas last night.

Beautiful Miss Rhode Island Olivia Culpo is 2012 Miss USA Winner. She is like a princess with a purple color beautiful dress. She will represent USA to attend World/Universe Miss Pegeant.

The other girls are amazing too, like Miss Ohio Audrey Bolte (in a charming yellow dress), Miss MD Nana.

Individual Music Health – The Music Best for Your Health – SJ Med Music

Jubsal, Med Music

The impact of music on human and human health is dramatic.

In history, music is always associated with the richly developed and  long lasting states/countries. Rich, more money for music; more music, more health people and more creativity.

Music therapy is used to be a group of music for some. Current thought is music, especially joyful and happy music, for all. Therefore, healthy population and public.

Music is good not only for mood, but for patients with cancer, heart disaease, or after surgery. Music may reduce weight, even diabetes, if you think about singing, dancing, or just as a kind of activity.

Different music may impact different people different. Different music may have different impact on your health.  Find the best music for you. The best music for you may be the best  ’medicine” for you when you have a low mood, tired, in a hardship, stressed, or unhappy.


Have a hard time with your boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, listen to your favorite music for 6 minutes.

Want to separate from your husband or wife? Listen to your favorite music for 60 minutes, then decide what you want to do.

Kissing AIDS – Kissing bug and Chagas disease – SJ Med Music


It’s estimated that about 10 million people are infected a parasite through kissing bugs. It can be transmitted by transfusion. Treatment in first 3 months is critical. No vaccine is available yet. It is critical to have early specific treatment (benznidazole or nifurtimox) to avoid late heart problems. It seems that to develop an effective vaccine and to control the growth of kissing bugs are key long term goals.

Sounding ways to good night sleep II – SJ Med Music

a good afternoon enjoyment of natural beauty, sports,

a good evening joy of swimming, sauna, wirlpool,

a good night coloring,

Lilith Fair
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