New Yorkers Have Bright Summer by Staying Home, Masks, Social Distance

Dr. Jinhai Wang

Finally New York COVID-19 new cases dropped to 1430 on May 12. New York new cases went to 1008 on March 18. On April15, New York had 11571 new cases that day, made the world famous state on top of COVID-19 INFECTION. After staying home, wearing masks, keeping social distance, New York new cases dropped from 11571 to 1430. As New York Dr. Lei Chen stated that in his clinic, no more new COVID-19 patients. Most patients are coming to test for antibodies and viruses to prepare for reopening. New Yorkers are New Yorkers. New York is New York. My song “April in New York” should be changed to “May in New York”. Summer started on May 5. New Yorkers will have bright summer.

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