Summer is anti-COVID-19夏天抗新冠病毒

Dr. Jinhai Wang 王晋海M.D.

Current death rate for USA is 71921/1.23M=6%. However, Miami was so hot, and has a low current death rate of 302/11570=2.7%. 全美死亡率6%。 迈阿蜜仅2.7%。

Tropic nations in large have very low rates of infection. Cold places like EU have a lot of infections and deaths.热带国家感染死亡低。冷的欧洲感染死亡高。

It is suggested here that beaches should be open (but keep 2 meters distance) when the weather reach 90F. Swimming pool should be open as well when weather reach 85F. Just open pools, not gyms. 天热后应开放海滩, 游泳池。

Summer against COVID-19 in two fronts: Less infection; low death rate if infected.夏天双项抗新冠:低感染,低死亡率

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