Coronavirus Pandemic: Tasks and opportunities facing USA

Dr. Jinhai Wang, Virologist

The COVID-19 PANDEMIC in USA is plateaued in quite a few states and in USA, THANK for staying home police and warmed up weather. The tasks facing USA in the coming months are big, and may lead to the control, even end of the pandemic in USA.

1.  Cut/control infection from family to family

2. Stay home till the end of May while having minimal workers to keep essential

3. To best use summer to end the pandemic. China controled it in winter. USA cut USA-China air delayed the pandemic in USA for 2 months (2 winter months). Now USA CAN BEST USE SUMMER TO END THE PANDEMIC. Summer starts May 5.

5. Speed up vaccines for November for USA and EU.

6. EXPAND REMDESIVIR testing in 1) USA: 300 patients OPEN-LABEL study in NY (6% current death rate), 200 patients OPEN-LABEL study in MICHIGAN(8% current death rate); 2) EU: 200 patients OPEN-LABEL study in France (17% current death rate).

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