Protect World, Especially USA Tenors

Tenor  Jinhai Wang

Famous USA tenors Mario Lanza, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, as well Head singer of Beatles were all dead before age 50 (38, 42, 50). Some say how about Pavarotti?  Yes, Pavarotti was dead when he was over 70 years old, but he was an Italian living in USA. All the members of Three Tenors are/was not USA citizens. They are either Italian or Spain, and they (Placid Domingo and Jose Carreras) are over 70 years old now.

As a USA tenor, try to live over 50 years old in USA. I am a tenor and am over 50 years old, my concerts are “Best of Lanza and Pavarotti”, but with just about 10 years professional singing time, that is shorter then those of Lanza, Presley, and Jackson. The lucky thing maybe I am a doctor too for those years, so still live. 


Songs of Med Music Jinhai Wang

Jinhai Wang – Youtube

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