

中国是肝病最多的国家。 据多家报道,现在在中国肺癌已超过肝癌。空气治理很重要。

Estimates of cancer incidence and mortality in China, 2013 – NCBI – NIH
by R Zheng – ‎2017 – ‎Cited by 49 - ‎Related articles

Aug 17, 2017 - Cancer leaves serious disease burden in China with high incidence and mortality. Lung cancer 肺癌was 是the most common cancer 最多的肿瘤and the leading cause of cancer death最常见肿瘤死亡原因 in China中国.

Lung Cancer in China – CHEST
by J She – ‎2013 – ‎Cited by 270 - ‎Related articles

In 2008, lung cancer肺癌 replaced替代 liver cancer 肝癌as the number one cause of death第一位死因 among people with malignant tumors in China在中国. The registered lung cancer …

Lung Cancer 肺癌 Most Common Cancer 最常见肿瘤 In China: Air Pollution Taking Its …
Jan 29, 2016 - Researchers estimate China endured 2.8 million cancer deaths during 2015 and 4.3 million new cancer cases, with lung
cancer the most …
中国The ten leading causes of cancer deaths 前10位肿瘤死因were lung cancer肺癌, liver cancer肝癌, gastric cancer胃癌, esophageal cancer食道癌, colorectal cancer结肠癌, pancreatic cancer胰腺癌, female breast cancer女性乳腺癌, brain tumor脑癌, leukemia白血病, and lymphoma淋巴瘤.

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