Chat About formats of music recording in West and in China

Jinhai Wang, Tenor, M.D.


Sheet music: Earliest. Could be back to 1500. Use more papers. Also called 5-staff.


Simplified music: Easy to use. Created in 1930s in China by NiEr, who died at age 23. It is suitable for all 12 majors. Not clear why 1200 years ago China Tang-Chao poems were/are great, but music recording seems limited. It might be by mouth to mouth for songs. It’s very interesting how has Beijing opera passed by their songs before NiEr. Music was booming since NiEr time. A lot of great music were made in the 1950s, 1960s, 1980s after. Great songs were created in Taiwan in the 1970s as well.


Sound recording. Vinyl, tape, FILM, CD, DVD, HARD DRIVE, Memory micro cards, medias on phone or other hand helds. All songs and music can be recorded.


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