Toward 100 years old: Bush at 94, over Deng’s record of 93

Jinhai Wang, M.D.

41st president Bush made 94,  over Reagan’s 93, very close to 100. His life was a big memory of many’s life. Many many thanks from many many different people. In the race toward 100, he did great job as one top leader of the nation and the world. He will be in the memory of people. Blessed.

Now President Carter卡特 (94 yrs old now), President Jiang江 (over 92 yrs old now), Premier Zhu 朱(90 yrs old now),  Premier Li (90 yrs old now) are in the big march.

In the past, Deng 邓 made 93, Mao 毛 only 82. Deng’s co-lead Li BoChen 刘伯承 was 94,RenDa人大 WeiYuanZhang委员长 Zhu De 朱德 was 90, Peng Zhen 彭真 was 95 . Many made close to 90 in the past: Ye JianYing 叶剑英委员长 89; Chen Yun 陈云 89, Song QingLing 宋庆玲 89; Jiang 蒋 88. In the past, there were a few members of national level leaders from China side made 100:  Wan Li万里委员长 (Mainland) 99.8;Chen LiFu陈立夫 (Mainland to Taiwan, to USA) 100 yrs 5m, Zhang XueLiang张学良 (Mainland to Taiwan) 100岁4个月. Now Bush布什 made 94.  The lead in China side was Song MeiLing宋美玲 (Mainland to Taiwan, to USA) 106. (This is a brief list. USA side may be going to be another list).

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  聖诞新年喜乐!

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